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Everything posted by Pils

  1. No-one will be able to tell you how this addon will perform on your hardware unfortunately. 500Mhz isn’t a huge amount but performance will also depend how many cores you have, what their boost speeds are, etc. The risk is yours if you choose to purchase.
  2. Firstly, please don’t post to unrelated threads. Secondly, I don’t see anything in your screen shot showing a bind to the red button. Please post the bindings as tested. Thanks.
  3. @N330CT Are you using native X-Plane multi-monitor or something like Nvidia’s virtual desktop feature? Please provide your Log.txt also.
  4. Yes the AIRAC must match between Simbrief and the FMS. @mraviator
  5. Have you fully loaded into the plane before setting up the controls? You can use Non-persistent mode.
  6. Thanks for all the feedback. I’ve mentioned this thread to the developers and when they’re ready to tackle some VR improvements they will review!
  7. Can you take a screenshot of your binding so I can replicate exactly please?
  8. I’ll be honest with you all, I always considered this curve modifier as only applicable to prop planes, I never thought to use it for jets. Hence, I have no idea what it actually does behind the scenes. Are you saying that every addon you own has custom support for the TCA? Because I only know of the FlightFactor and ToLiss Airbuses that do. So, if you want this supported in the CL-650, it would help if you can describe to me what exactly needs to change in the addon? thanks.
  9. It won’t go past 50% on the ground; are you on the ground?
  10. That would be the (currently hidden) FBO.
  11. Can you check your Log.txt for faa.gov log lines please?
  12. This panel
  13. Sounds like maybe VRAM related? Might have to drop to Medium quality. Also, Medium objects for general single thread CPU bottleneck reasons.
  14. Try dragging the plane back a bit in the X-Plane map.
  15. Manual entry format here. Not confirmed the Simbrief format is the root cause as stated in the post above, which will be revised, so please still provide the full route and .FMS file.
  16. I don’t know the original reason for using the Pilot ID, possibly as a privacy/security feature. However, Toto is aware of the username being an option in the API, and also of the usability implications of the current method, and he is considering whether a change is warranted.
  17. We had some parsing errors during the beta and the .FMS file was helpful for debugging. I don’t know what it would have for a VOR-based waypoint, I’m hoping the original definition. But to be safe, @Clumsy please provide the route in full text format as well.
  18. Please provide the FMS file and we’ll test it.
  19. Yes, follow the instructions from your nav data provider.
  20. You can edit the joy file in Notepad. (Make a backup first!)
  21. I think this is the emergency handle so best not to use that. Use default commands.
  22. You have one too many close parentheses in your create_command functions.
  23. If you’re holding max reverse why would you be moving your thrust levers? You’re already at max. Stow the reversers and then you can move to forward idle. Each cycle of reversers takes time. A video of your issue may help diagnose. Thanks.
  24. Not at this time, but WebFMC Pro is supported and they do have this feature.
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