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Everything posted by Pils

  1. In general, that’s correct, default avionics (G1000, FMS, etc.) will use Custom Data if it’s present, replacing the default data; or, the default data if that’s all one has. Some third party addons with custom navigation systems will make the same selection, however will be reading the data directly from the disk (rather than through X-Plane’s programming interfaces, which are quite crude). However, the CL-650 is the only addon (that I know of) that lets you select either the default data or custom data while in the cockpit. That’s the key differentiator here. In theory it could be implemented so that the two databases could be read from arbitrary locations, including outside the X-Plane directory, however that’s not the design choice that has been made at this time.
  2. Just to be clear; you’re talking about the command CL650/FCP/ap_eng, yes? There’s a difference between commands and datarefs.
  3. Thank you for the additional information, and for your patience.
  4. I guess this is just a consequence of the ATS being somewhat independent from the FMS due to its “aftermarket” origins on the type.
  5. Definitely r3? Did you ever install r2?
  6. Can you say whether it was r2 or r3 definitively?
  7. Sorry, of course, High Sierra is a long time before M1 existed. I can’t keep track of all the California names! What exact version of macOS were you running when you first had the issue? Have you done any upgrades since?
  8. What exact version of macOS were you running when you first had the issue? Have you done any upgrades since?
  9. It is.
  10. SVS is on? Try with it off and do another cold and dark.
  11. On another M1?
  12. Yes. Usually with money. https://navigraph.com/products/navdata https://www.aerosoft.com/en/flight-simulation/flight-simulator-2004/tools-missions/1750/navdatapro-one-year-subscription-13-datasets?c=309
  13. It should work exactly as you expected, but possibly there are edge cases. I haven’t personally used the 3D popups. Have you tried hand editing the windows.cfg file and replacing it before each sim start?
  14. Yes, it’s automatic after you check the box to enable FAA charts in user settings. However you may need up to date nav data for this to function at this time.
  15. Hint: It’s not in the cockpit.
  16. We are sorry y’all’s logs are being filled but these errors are due to an X-Plane bug and there’s nothing the developer can do about it. They can be safely ignored.
  17. Ok I can try find time to publish my script for use in mean time.
  18. No, it’s not like an Airbus or Boeing. It targets a fixed FPA, respecting constraints otherwise, and that’s it.
  19. Just disable the lights, there’s probably no way to do this accurately at this time.
  20. This is not a forum for the developer of X-Plane Mobile, so not sure anyone will be able to help you except them, Laminar Research: x-plane.com
  21. This only applies to new airframes. The command works as expected with my hardware. Might need to be held down for a moment or two? I forget. Manipulating the buttons via dataref… that may need more fanagling. The corresponding float datarefs are for button animation, the integer datarefs are for the logical position of the buttons. Maybe that helps? What exactly is OP doing to actuate the FCU buttons?
  22. Ok, well a screenshot to confirm that would be nice, please, thanks. Does the IVAO client populate these datarefs properly? https://developer.x-plane.com/article/overriding-tcas-and-providing-traffic-information/
  23. You have your PFD range set to 5 nm, but that target is 20 nm away, so it’s obviously not going to show up. I assume you just took a bad screenshot as an example?
  24. If this is one under the CL650 tree then it’s probably identical in function. The software design of the product means that basically everything has a custom command first and foremost. And then a subset of things have the default commands translated back to the custom commands automatically.
  25. While this request is being considered it’s fairly trivial to program these kind of custom commands that interface with the switches’ datarefs in a FlyWithLua script.
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