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  1. Post log please https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635413-How-to-find-the-X-Plane-log-txt-file
  2. @Jim&Barb This appears to be an iMac released in 2017, and macOS 13 should be available for it. And unlike macOS 12, macOS 13 is still being supported by Apple (and hopefully TorqueSim!). To quote EveryMac:
  3. Step 1: Remove all third party plugins except "X-Aviation".
  4. Left-most and bottom-most, I've found works most reliably in general!
  5. I’m sorry this isn't an xPilot support forum. You should go to their website.
  6. I think you're missing the new X-Aviation DRM plugin, probably it got blocked by Anti-Malware during installation. Or you disabled it with X-Organizer.
  7. Everyone will get their turn in time.
  8. XPRealistic?
  9. On the aircraft avionics. Via AviTab on the included EFB.
  10. Both? As above post says, there is automation called "Nav-to-Nav Transfer", which will auto-tune the ILS frequency when entering the terminal airspace area, and once APPR is armed and the aircraft is closing on the localizer, it will auto-set the front course and switch nav source to LOC1(2). What you're doing wrong is manually switching to VOR to set the course. Coincidently I did a video recently that featured this. It's 4k, and not zoomed in, so you might need to enlarge it on your end to see the PFD, etc., clearly.
  11. I believe the first one, straight Model 525; MSN 001–359.
  12. Oh Jim did! A man of taste! I met him once or twice.
  13. Not necessarily. It still depends on the developer.
  14. Is the flap lever moving, or just the flaps?
  15. Might want to triple check that, also check keyboard bindings? Because not heard of this before otherwise. Also, please upload Log.txt from X-Plane, thanks.
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