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  1. On the surface these crashes point towards a hardware fault or issue more than a problem with the simulator or addon. If you have an overclock on the CPU or memory then may need to be reduced, and some hardware diagnostics ran (memtest, etc.). But first let's clean up the simulator to reduce the software risk: Remove all third party plugins except Gizmo64 (AviTab, xjet, etc.) SkunkCraftsUpdater should be removed permanently as it is deprecated by the author
  2. With X-Plane as it is, once you add third party scenery, especially orthophoto tiles, then all bets are off, tbh…
  3. By paying Navigraph some money and installing the fms data manager https://navigraph.com/downloads
  4. There’s no option to change the interaction mechanics.
  5. I don't think either RXP or TDS support that. It would be up to them to do so.
  6. The pitch axis? That doesn’t make sense. Please explain more what you mean.
  7. These are all different developers, different people, there’s no conflict.
  8. https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635413-How-to-find-the-X-Plane-log-txt-file
  9. https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635413-How-to-find-the-X-Plane-log-txt-file
  10. Glad to see you’re using a supported version of Gizmo at least now, so that can be eliminated.
  11. Do you have IPv6 only?
  12. Looks like that has to go to TDS, and they need to add a back trace handler.
  13. Yes. That’s why it was simulated that way!
  14. What makes that a poor alternative is that there's no guarantee that the forecasted data is still valid; one can generate OFPs days in advance after all.
  15. You need to change your user interface scaling back to 100% in your operating system's settings.
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