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  1. Yes. That’s why it was simulated that way!
  2. What makes that a poor alternative is that there's no guarantee that the forecasted data is still valid; one can generate OFPs days in advance after all.
  3. You need to change your user interface scaling back to 100% in your operating system's settings.
  4. A temporary fix is available on the Hot Start Discord.
  5. Soon (tm)
  6. Must be run in Rosetta.
  7. First you must provide Log.txt from X-Plane after loading the CL650.
  8. Yes I’ll try to being it up with the developer.
  9. ^^^ From the developer.
  10. Oh you're trying to use FAA charts?
  11. It looks like 128.5 kts technically, but I guess it's rounded up.
  12. Confirm this is an extract of the AFM and the lines are baked in, not something you've added?
  13. I don't see any errors from Navigraph. However, I do see that something has corrupted the checklist audio files. I suggest reinstalling the addon to resolve that issue. Also: Delete this file from X-Plane: .../Output/caches/CL650/chart.db/navigraph-tokens.cache; Load a new flight with an airframe in career mode; Make sure Navigraph is checked in User Settings > Networking; Turn on aircraft power.
  14. You might be able to get close using the X-Plane in-game map, after getting the aircraft into an approach state. Then fly into the position you want to save, and save a state in the airframe manager.
  15. My thoughts are your anti-virus has blocked the DRM plugin or the Systems plugin. Please provide a Log.txt
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