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Litjan last won the day on February 13

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  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Thanks for reporting this! I can confirm the problem with the packs - the cabin pressure should leak, but it appears to be almost completely airtight (resulting in 0 rate of climb with packs off), I will investigate the code! The FLT/GRD switch only works while the aircraft is on the ground, as soon as it lifts off, it is automatically entering flight mode.
  2. It has taken a while for me to test this - and it works fine on my side using the default X-Plane AI traffic. If it does not work with Vatsim, they need to fix it on their side, it may be that they changed something and do not adhere to the X-Plane conventions for traffic indication.
  3. Hi and thanks for the feedback. Your point about the engine starting speed is known - we are using the default X-Plane behavior and the initial ramp up to starter cutout speed is too fast, a fix for that is forthcoming. However I tuned the full startup to take exactly as long as the average start does in the real aircraft. Your last point is also a know issue and well described in the pinned post https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/8526-things-that-are-not-going-to-be-in-v15/ which I put up to be fully transparent to prospective customers about what to expect and what not to expect from our model (see the last point about the FMS). The other quirks you describe are unknown to me and may be a combination of third-party content (like your sound pack) and/or user error/hardware setup problems. If you could capture a short video of what is happening, I might be able to analyze what is going on - when you disconnect the autopilot there should be NO input to the flight controls whatsoever (except for the pilot´s inputs), so there should not be anything moving the yoke or interfering with your control at all. Cheers, Jan
  4. Lol, we are not far away from the glorious future where chatbots will fight with each other...I will just have to teach ChatGPT to read these forum threads for me...now what am I going to do with all of that free time? (I certainly won´t have to spend it on developing the 737 anymore, because ChatGPT will find an excuse for me not doing it ).
  5. Hi Joachim, thanks for the info - yes, they are a bit more weak than in 11... and the one on the tail is missing indeed, we intend to add it back! Cheers, Jan
  6. Yes - this is not a flight phase annunciator, it it is the thrust limit annunciator and will indicate to what maximum value the autothrottle is allowed to set power to if it needs to.
  7. Thanks for the heads-up, Dominik, I will doublecheck...
  8. Hmm, that sounds weird...make sure the option in the default X-Plane flight setup window is set to "engines running" (checkbox checked). The only other reason I could think of is something wrong with your monitor resolution so that the mouseclick does not hit the right spot?
  9. It should be possible to assign a button to "toggle reverse thrust" and then - after pushing it - the thrust levers will govern the reverse thrust level. Make sure you are at idle forward thrust when toggling this button, though - you can not invoke reverse thrust unless you are at idle (like in the real aircraft).
  10. Hi, I also use a 4k display and agree - it would be desirable to increase the text size with rising resolutions. I hope to be able to get this included with a future update. Cheers, Jan
  11. Thanks for confirming that, @SeaHawk14! It highlights a problem that not only we at IXEG but also Laminar Research has: Buggy add-ons that lead the user to report a "bug" to us (or Laminar). I wish that everyone would test their X-Plane (and our IXEG) without any other addons possibly interfering before coming to us (or Laminar) crying BUG!!!!
  12. Thanks for reporting back. However, it surprises me that you were running Vanilla (+better Pushback) and that was crashing, however now you took out XPrealistic (which was not even installed on your crashing version that you sent your last log.txt from), and the crashes stop? It is pretty mysterious how programs install and uninstall themselves on your computer, unbeknownst to you... It also makes it pretty difficult to help you, if you and me both don´t exactly know what is installed and what isn´t.
  13. Yep, it works totally fine. I am sure that you forgot to turn on the WXR power switch here: (Yes, the weather radar power switch is ALSO needed to enable the EGPWS terrain display, it is a retrofit for the 737 classic and piggiebacks on the weather radar symbol generator to generate it´s returns).
  14. It is not known - and I believe not true...however I will gladly test this on my side today and let you know what I find out!
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