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Ben Russell

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Everything posted by Ben Russell

  1. Glad we got a result! I'll make a note to "offer an update check if a new unlicensed product is detected" for a future release...
  2. Log data is inconclusive but does show you opened the X-Plane map window and then five minutes later X-Plane crashes while(or just after) loading DSF files.
  3. Did you click this button? (Marked in yellow..)
  4. Never try and tell someone else what their life situation is. You have no idea what goes on behind the scenes.
  5. From page 12 of the manual https://github.com/X-Friese/FlyWithLua/blob/master/FlyWithLua/Documentation/FlyWithLua_Manual_en.pdf >DataRef("battery", "sim/cockpit/electrical/battery_on", "writable") >print(battery) The function signature you're looking for is DataRef(...) not Dataref(...)
  6. Always a good idea to include a URL with your counter arguments. "Reality for XP" leads nowhere in Google. If you mean the Reality-XP series of GPS units.. Laminars basic stance is that: - Mods and instruments -inside- the cockpit will continue to work as they already do. - Global drawing plugins like SkyMAXX and MaXX FX are hosed. Nerfing the global plugins gets them a big gain in rendering performance(FPS) and a small number of products broken for "a while". Nerfing the custom avionics and instruments for cockpit internals would break most, if not all, the custom third party aircraft that users have come to use and love, which would leave the sim pretty much dead in the water and piss off nearly every user they have. It's annoying but it also lines up with the customer base growth of VR users. It's still a growing minority group and we have a fairly long, slow timeline ahead to resolve this. Changes are coming to the sim that will allow higher-performance drawing on the global sim stage, we just have to wait for Laminar to add them and document them.
  7. Further food for thought: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/richard-lewis-instagram-photos-100000-dollars-new-york-new-portraits-copyright-2015-5 An "artist" is literally making large format prints of Instagram content that someone else produced and selling it. Grey area. Dubious. etc. Basically, don't be an ass. Create something original.
  8. No. It went a little deeper than that. First, it requires actual OpenGL code to be written. Second, it was a blatant copy of a commercial product. In itself, perfectly legal if somewhat dubious ethically. Third, it was basically a verbatim copy down to the theme names, GUI layout and whatever else occured at the time. More like this: In the "online world" this is "perfectly ok" ... according to the vocal masses who'll turn a blind eye to literally anything. In the "real world" Customs and Border Control will seize and destroy counterfeit goods without a second thought. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-06-12/french-authorities-destroy-luxury-fakes/4747708
  9. Crying about crying... Cryception! Let's go deeper.
  10. If you upload X-Plane / Log.txt there might be a clue in there for us.
  11. The answers you seek are contained within this very thread. You've rasied the issue and only one user is chiming in. If it was a bigger issue surely this very thread would be alive with voices chiming in about how it would make a dramatic difference to the world of X-Plane if it was a more lively feature. It's not, and it wouldn't. You might find refreshing this site a more productive use of everyones time. We do: https://www.thresholdx.net/ Respectfully...
  12. http://carsfov.moritzlawitschka.de/
  13. Are you running on a large Hi-DPI display? Can you reset your X-Plane UI scaling factor to 100%? Does this help? 11.20 is a mess.
  14. I wonder if both routers have NAT enabled putting you behind a double NAT... You should be able to configure the second router to hand off all NAT and DHCP to the first. Exactly how that's done is beyond the scope of a forum post (or our tech support offerings) though. Good find..
  15. No joy. Reported to Cameron to see what's going on with the forum glitch. Thanks for trying again..
  16. Tried to download the attachment but I get a forum error.
  17. Reset your UI Scaling factor to 100%. We expect Laminar to fix this bug in 11.21 shortly.
  18. This has been included for a while now. See this post for details: People seem to like a setting of 400 or so for trigger threshold.
  19. Please follow this thread for more info;
  20. The rendering engine would have some fairly aggressive changes and revisions in it to optimize for VR, every fraction of a frame counts. Glad to hear we finally got to the bottom of this very strange glitch. Hopefully it resolves the issue for others seeing the same thing.
  21. Multi screen is an XP11 feature. You're using a product designed for XP10.
  22. Schorle has already tried this and more. - Bare demo with Gizmo. Fails as above. - Bare demo with test plugin. Fails in a dramatic way: All button widgets fail to draw. At the moment all we can do is wait for Lamianr. The team member I've been talking to about it has the same CPU and same GPU but does NOT see the bug. They were able to use the test plugin during the RC2 -> RC3 revision to partially fix the error resulting in me no longer having any local problems. It's a very very strange issue. I've asked Cameron to notify Austin directly about it so that they do not go 11.20 final release without fixing it. If they do I will not be amused. Schorle: If you would like to do more testing you could download some of the various free plugins available for X-Plane and see if they also fail to draw widgets. For example: Dataref Tool https://github.com/leecbaker/datareftool/releases The test plugin I wrote for Laminar uses a fairly specific set of code instructions to trigger the glitch. If you can find other widely used and available plugins that are also glitching it may help resolve the issue.
  23. You're using an X-Plane beta. Laminar broke it. Only Laminar can fix it. They've been notified.
  24. Laminar have been notified of the issue. We're waiting on them to resolve it. Sorry there's nothing more I can do at this time.
  25. You have a bunch of extra plugins installed. Standard procedure at this point is to ask you to install the Saab in a bare-demo copy of X-Plane OR remove your plugins and replace them one by one until you figure out which is clashing. Nothing stands out as obvious and no one else is reporting this problem.
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