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Everything posted by Defiance_co

  1. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  2. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  3. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  4. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  5. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  6. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  7. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  8. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  9. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  10. Hi Again Niilo, Thankyou once more Tony
  11. Hiya Niilo, Thankyou Tony
  12. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  13. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  14. Hiya, Been busy, got behind on the liveries So ............................ Many Thanks Tony
  15. Hiya Jon, Ahh i see you've succumbed to the ixeg addictive feature lol Sure is a sweet plane int she The interface is changing sometime in the future, And, those darn blondes sucker us in sooner or later lol For me getting back into flight simming after a very long time, x-plane with its x64 version really seemed the only way to go And since late 2015 it's only been getting better imho Have Fun Tony ps : Welcome Aboard !
  16. Hiya, Using windose 10, so obviously no mac, did a fresh x-plane install lastnight Forgot to hotfix the plane Had that visual corruption and inflight other funky things ....................... Realised i'd forgot the hotfix lol Installed the download hotfix Sorted No re-activation needed, so i'm still hanging on by my last thread (slot) hehe Might be the same as me, so just reinstall+hotfix Have Fun Tony
  17. Heya Tom, Sorry to say i've not got them myself But, if you post back your feedback it would be much appreciated I tried my very old ch peds, and to be frank, unless i'm barefoot i really can't get to grips with them (pardon the pun) So any info on those sweet things would be great Cheers Tony
  18. Hiya, Email support@x-aviation.com Explaining what you've done/tried Of course with a big please and thankyou That should get your slots back Once sent, don't bump more emails their way, you'll drop down the support list like a lead balloon Allow 3 working days Hope that helps Tony
  19. Hiya's, Few nights ago i got to fly, storm came in fast, was the best i've seen so far lol Managed to get a few shots at the right time, and i chucked in a 747 snap for good measure lol Have Fun Tony
  20. Good you got it sorted to feed the addiction hehe Have Fun Tony
  21. Hiya, From a very quick zoom in, it looks like it'll be fine as-is for A4 format Tony
  22. Hiya, Go into Aircraft folder in x-plane 10 Then X-Aviation folder In there go into the IXEG 737 Classic folder, copy/save stock file, then simply replace Tony
  23. Heya, I get to fly today !! Thanks for the livery Cheers Tony
  24. Hiya Colin, Glad you're making more progress I'll be hoping all goes well and easier for you Maybe one day i'll be doing a similar post (i'll keep on 'working on her' ) lol Have Fun Tony
  25. Hiya's, A belated Thankyou Didn't get to install the initial release (grand pappy again and minute lol) though it did download fine Will DL both again and get to try as/when i can Thankyou All Have Fun Tony
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