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Everything posted by Aeropayo

  1. Hello! last monday 17th a sent a ticket #70P0F to reactivate my licenses both 737-300 and SkyMaxxPro, as all my slots were used, due to several computer crashes and new OS I don't want to push you guys, but normally, how long does it take to reset my licenses? Thanks for your time guys!! Paco
  2. Thanks a lot!!!!! Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
  3. Thanks!. One question, when you request GPU from IEXG menu, does it duplicate with the GHD GPU?
  4. Some profiles give wrong fuel calculations. In EFASS menu, go to Aircrafts, online database (cloud). In the search box, just put IXEG, and look for IXEG 737-300 Working Fuel Calculations by a guy named Maturesh (thanks a lot dude) This one works fine for me! BTW if you're not happy with the fuel calculation, for example with the reserve fuel, you can edit the amount. Go to Edit Menu and Customize fuel. Change the values... and good to go!
  5. Thanks Tom for the detailed post! much appreciated!. I'll try it in these days and I'll let you know if it works (or not... LOL) And the rest of the guys in this post, thanks too for shedding light on this problem.
  6. Hi Tom!.... Thanks a lot for your reply. So my question is... how did you get to make it work? you have the plugin installed, haven't you? but how do you assign the values?
  7. Yes it has, I'll try to post some pictures and take a look at the plugin folder, not now at the computer!!! Thanks a lot
  8. Thanks Slayer for your answer. I contacted with the CPFlight people and they say I can assign MCP commands to IXEG datarefs.. but my question is how? the plugin provided works, but I can't see my MCP in joystick assignments, is there any other plugin or program that could detect the MCP in Xplane so I can assign the inputs? Thanks again
  9. Hello there! loving this plane as you all I guess... I have an MPC from CPFLIGHT I can't make it work in XPlane I followed the steps in cpflight web along with the drivers and installed the plugin properly, the MPC does work, all lights, switches and butons work but it seems to be no connection between the MCP and the 737, the plugin reads the inputs but has no effect in the plane's MPC Any ideas? Thanks in advance Paco
  10. All I can say it's BIG THANK YOU!!!! It's a pleasure flying this plane. I have a mid11 Imac 2,70 ghz, 16 gb ram and only a ATI Radeon 512 mb and I can fly at 20 FPS!!! the only thing is I have to fly in reduced window mode (not full screen) and mid settings, but holy cow... it goes flawlessly!!!!!
  11. http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122
  12. Thanks tkyler for the news... IMHO even being private videos, if they're unavoidably shared.. that would make more people to get interested in your product and go and buy it!
  13. We (all... dev's team and future proud customers) have survived thru these years! For sure we can make it! Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
  14. What's the matter here? We've waiting for so long, so waiting for a couple of months more is not a pain, is it? Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
  15. Goooood stuff!!!! Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
  16. What's next?... I think is not the time to talk about the next project when this one is still latest stage of development. But on the other hand, and while we impatiently wait for the release, it is OK to dream about what bird these guys can make. But for now I think the next will be that IXEG take a deserved rest and a deep breath before starting to deal with all the questions and posts, and for sure a huge number of people asking for help, once is finally released !!!!
  17. I agree, a must have Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
  18. You should talk with Ben Weston, from Airline2sim.com, they have 2 series of training videos, based on the Majestic Dash Q400 (FSX...). They are just superb!!!! Very good quality in all aspects, video, contents, design, all of them recorded with a real Q400 pilot in the cockpit. Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
  19. Thanks!! AWESOME! How's the development going? Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
  20. I'll just jump in the cockpit, take my Mike Ray's book along with the IXEG documentation and start switching buttons and levers from cold & dark and try to make a some short flight from LEMD to LEMG
  21. 1000€, very damn good price for the rig<br /><br /><br />Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
  22. The flap vortex effect is awesome, but has anyone notice THE REALISTIC SOUND in the last sequence of the video!!!!????. It sounds real!!!! I thought it was a sound effect from real world inserted in the video!!! If you IXEG guys pay attention to this tiny details, I can't imagine what's waiting to discover!!!!
  23. It seems to me that our expectations about this aircraft are going to be widely exceeded. I can't just imagine how much 'secret stuff' is going to be unveiled once the plane is our hands...
  24. Remember... Work in progress... LOL
  25. No words! This thread deserves Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando mis deditos
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