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  1. Hey, for some reason, the struts of the IXEG are extremly "springy" in XP12. You can easily fix that by open the .acf file in planemaker, then go to "Standard" -> "Landing Gear" -> "constants" and uncheck both "use manual gear deflections" and "use manual damping constants". All constants shown will disappear and set to values guessed by planemaker. Then, of course, save the changes to the .acf file (make a backup first!). When you check the boxes again, the guessed values of planemaker will apear and you can play with them. Further reduce the damping constant of the nose gear to your liking.
  2. Good morning everyone, first of all, I like to thank the developers Goran and Toto for their fantastic work, as well as X-Aviation providing us these great planes! I think the chosen approach, modelling the TBM's and Challenger's systems based on a "bottom to top"-physics paradigm, is what rises the level of immersion so much higher and sets both aircraft apart from all other add-ons, at least in the world of desktop-simulators. However, one thing that's lacking in the TBM and dims the immersion a bit is the sound of the propeller entering the beta range and the missing "blade-slap" sound at static full thrust. To make clear what I mean check out the following video snippets. At 0:15min you will hear the typical sound when a prop enters the beta range: https://youtu.be/IBtMBl2VWzo?t=13 Or here: https://youtu.be/SEmD5-4TTIc?t=1299 And the typical loud prop "slapping" sound (prop stall presumably?) at static thrust, which quickly goes away as soon as the aircraft gains a couple of knots relative to its surrounding air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-2sRgVqt5Q https://youtu.be/CaiAtjGcfwI?t=90 Will be those effects be considered for a future update? I'm well aware that the current sounds were all recorded from the real counterpart and there is indeed a beta-entering sound file, but the sounds are lacking in this (and only this) matter. Best regards and keep it up! EDIT: typos removed and sentences modified/added
  3. Hi, First of all, I'd like to thank the team for it's affort to create such a detailed representation of the 737C It is really quite haunting. While checking out XP 11.30b1, I noticed some minor issues in the IXEG v1.21: - map light doesn't shed light anymore - "BACKGROUND" gas-discharge-tube light below the glareshield-panel doesn't shed light. The flickering texture works, though - oil pressure indicator "jumps" from 0 to red line minimum (~13 psi) at engine start, after N2 surpasses ~22%. Also, I found an issue in XP 11.26r2 as well as in XP 11.30b1: - radar representation: I set some thunderstorms with XP's default weather engine, switched on the radar while sitting on ground with a quite narrow range selected (20 nm on the ND). After I tilted the radar beam some degrees up (+1..+3 deg), a couple of cells appeared on the ND as expected. After switched the range to 160 or 320 nm, the upper half of the radar screen (beyond 80 nm or so) didn't update and the old narrow-range representation of the echos remained there. I think this might have to do with the weather generated only within a limited distance from the current aircraft position? - sound slider issue ( I think this might be known?) Only in XP 11.26r2, didn't checked that in XP 11.30b1: - cross bleed engine start only possible with like ~90% N1 on one engine providing bleed air pressure on MSL and ISA conditions. 40 psi bleed air pressure is available at ~85% N1 and drops down to 20ish psi with the start valve open on the engine to start. I'm only able to spin the dead engine up to ~22% N2 with a thrust setting of 85% N1 and have to increase a bit further to get it start. Packs and anti ice where set to off. I can't comment on the flight behavior in XP 11.30b1, at least nothing catched my attention on a very quick and dirty flight testing using the map slew mode. Best regards, Alex
  4. yup, thats the wind noise (B733 wind.WAV), which was replaced or remapped with the latest hotfix. Maybe you can try to reinstall the aircraft again (if it's still v1.0, I don't know) and backing up the old sound file before you applying the latest fix. Then, you can overwrite the new file with the old one. I've still got the old wind noise file as a backup here, but redistributing is against the EULA I guess? Alternatively, you can pull a flightdeck video off youtube, take out the soundtrack and edit in Audacity to generate a loop (5-10s length) and balance it according to the overall sound environment of the addon. A samplling rate of 22,500KHz and 32bit resolution should work. If you can't find a proper flight deck video you can also generate a white/pink noise and balance it according to you preferences.
  5. My third lever is set for reverse thrust...I don't use the reverse mode on the throttle to yank up the reverses all the way, its not that common in the real world (I think), so you can smoothly put in as much reverse thrust as you want. T1 is set for TOGA (very handy for missed approches with FD ON and AT in ARM mode), T6 is AT disco...I don't use the other buttons, due to the danger of hitting the false one.
  6. I should have got this plane in january as a birthday present, but unfortunately, I was told that the developers had to replace the rusty screws on the radar panel first, before its ready for release..i guess it's done, finally Congrats to the developers for being so persistent over 5...6 years developing this thing!
  7. Congrats guys, it looks and sounds amazing! Definitely a day-one-buy for me One thing that caught my attention: the EGT of the APU rises instantly when the APU starter motor kicks in (lights get dim) and I think the appropiate initial fuel injection sound of the APU is not synced to the EGT-rise. A bit picky (I know), but I just want to let you know.
  8. I think every native FSX guy who is missing the scroll wheel support should try out a X-Plane addon with a good grab 'n drag mouse interface. Dreamfoils Bell 407 is a good example and I personally never use their implemented scroll wheel interface. Why? Firstly, it interferes with the zoom function of X-Plane if your are not precisely point the mouse over the appropriate clickspot or the viewing direction moves during maneuvers. And secondly, I found it to be more "realistic", since the dragging movement is detentless when dialing up analogue instruments (barometer setting for example). I grew up with MS Flightsim and really don't miss the scroll wheel for that matter. However, the interface of most default planes in X-Plane is a PITA. On a side note, wing flex is obsolete for my taste...
  9. To be accurate, the various engine sounds (whinning, low freq noises etc.) in the cabin and flight deck indeed modulates while the air density gets lower, however, the perception of this effect is pretty subjective and depends on the airframe and engine. As Jan said, the effects are barely noticeable for most sound effects because the wind rush around the plane gets much louder. In my experiences as a passenger only that buzz saw sound is changing noticeably (CFM56-5 on A320 for example does that pretty much) and vanishes slowly at medium altitudes. Unfortunately, I have never flown in a classic but it seems that these old CFM56 doesn't buzz much if you check some videos on youtube. Instead you can hear a pretty typical whinning sound between medium to high power settings. I like the "choking" sound when you get the engines out of idle particularly and IXEG does a great job capturing these Question for the devs: will the aircraft have costum wind noises for the flight deck?
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