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donoscar last won the day on April 2 2017

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About donoscar

  • Birthday 12/03/1971

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  1. thanks Frank, I deleted a file fsgrw.rwx that most probably came from my previous weather engine and one MAXX_METAR.rwx. seems to have done the trick, summer's back in Madrid
  2. I did the weather reload in the SMP menu and in the debug section of ASXP several times. there were no storms in the surrounding locations. CAVOK all around. I have attached the metar file in my first post.
  3. Hello, please see below video, I have a strange issue at LEMD where METAR shows CAVOK but I get an impressive lights show.. I have tried refreshing weather, checked the METAR.rwx, reconfiguring ASXP with SMP and RWC, no changes.. I have observed this behaviour over the past three days. METAR.rwx.txt
  4. Thanks for the info Tom, one major issue with the current VNAV profile happens when we have restrictions with below and above altitudes for one fix. It seems to be taking the higher restriction and simply convert it into an above one, ending of course in a very steep descent to catch up. I am sure you are already aware of it. While it forces me to precisely check my fpl against the charts and raises my situation awareness, most users I talk to are not aware and they tend to get frustrated after a while. hope it makes sense cheers Oscar
  5. Here you go @ktomais @Morten one more for the list!
  6. Swissair Retro Fictional View File this is a free interpretation and adaption of Swissair Retro livery for the 737 Classic enjoy Submitter donoscar Submitted 06/07/2020 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  7. Version 1.0.0


    this is a free interpretation and adaption of Swissair Retro livery for the 737 Classic enjoy
  8. Did you enter the ils frequency / radial manually in your radio / course?
  9. You should read what Laminar thinks of it
  10. The crash report went probably to Laminar, not IXEG.... try posting your issue with log attached in the support section here, not in the general section. just guessing, but crash right before final sounds like a groundroute-plugin issue. Known for xp11.50 beta, and seems to have its high share with new Gizmo if I am not confusing everything. Try to deactivate it.
  11. Nice to have, my humble opinion, there are many far more important items on the plate.
  12. working on it, not perfect yet
  13. Just throwing this in here.... I seem to be getting this issue only when using my xsaitekpannels plugin with a lua script taking care of switching both generators on at the same time with one single switch. any one else or pure coincidence?
  14. and after the years, it is still working great... unfortunately it is not @Litjan 's voice, but hey, he's no standard Flaps Operator
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