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  1. This may not help but I recently had this issue with the IXEG 737 and the problem was that I had a new version of XPUIPC. I had to install an older version of XPUIPC and then it worked. No idea why. Maybe a Gizmo issue?
  2. Yes, I downgraded by XPUIPC to an older version and the throttles now are working. Is this something that will be fixed by IXEG in a future update? I haven't had this issue with any other aircraft and I am now getting an XPUIPC error message. John.
  3. Thanks. I will try that. (But I hate dumbing down my machine!)
  4. Autothrottle is off. Throttles are dead when I load the plane cold and dark. Could this have anything to do with my version of XPUIPC? (I have the latest version.) John.
  5. Just installed v1.3. Everything seems to work ok except for the throttles which don't move - either using the mouse or the throttle quadrant. Log attached. Am using 11.50b9 with Vulkan and beta of Gizmo. John Log.txt
  6. I haven't flown the IXEG 737 for years. I can't even remember why I stopped flying it. BUt very happy to hear that you have an update in progress. I will certainly do the update and give it a try. (I used to fly it a lot.) John.
  7. Thanks Coop. Look forward to the update. John
  8. I can confirm this behaviour, John Log.txt
  9. To fly in formation you don't need multiplayer. Just log in to the same network (VATSIM, PilotEdge, etc.) at the same airport and fly. With multiplayer you both fly the same plane (e.g. pilot/copilot) by both signing on to the same network with the same callsign. Then you can both control the same plane. But perhaps I misunderstood your issue. John
  10. Thanks Coop. I now remember that I had this problem before. My bad. John.
  11. I reinstalled the aircraft but got the same result. Here is the log. I am running 11.50b4. Hopefully, that is not the issue. John Log.txt
  12. I just installed the FMOD patch and now I am seeing the pilot and passengers within the cockpit view. How can I get rid of them? John.
  13. I don't think so. Just create a new airframe. (Buy a new plane.) What's a game error? John.
  14. No I don’t. It has always popped up automatically for me after reinstallation. I think that you should submit a ticket. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. I think that this is an activation issue. The plane is not activated. Sent from my SM-G960W using Tapatalk
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