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Everything posted by Tchou

  1. Me.. ;-) Are you Bill Murray in disguize ?
  2. I do agree with that and didn't say otherwise. (I did install the ixeg on each X-Plane with the installer). Maybe it would be possible to make the load balancing more efficient by allowing clients to download faster when bandwidth is available ?
  3. When dragging takes only 1 minute and Installing takes an hour, you're really tempted to avoid installing, especially when downloading an equivalent size add-on on the "other" store takes less than 10 minutes.
  4. and same here.
  5. One thing I don't understand is that how come when installing the XP11 version using the installer, and having given the path for XP11 install folder, the installer removes also the XP10 version (in a separate XP10 installation same computer) for which I didn't give the path and would have liked to keep a copy in case of an issue with v1.2...
  6. I guess If it is done, you forgot to push the 1.1 update for XP10 on the server then… ;-)
  7. There is another 737 classic, that matches it's quality level...
  8. I'll do a flight tomorrow with the saab as soon as I get back from work and post the logs here maybe there's something hardware related... here are the files, the crash occured as soon as I deactivated xenviro from the menu and reactivated it . note that I had a bug where the engines wouldn't start at first, reloaded the plane then it would start oK Log.txt xEnviroLog.txt GizmoLog.txt the xenviro log is greenwich time, so you add one hour ti have local time is you need to. first batch of files was with the saab, second one is with the ixeg : Log.txt xEnviroLog.txt GizmoLog.txt I did get an immediate crash by disabling and re enabling xenviro...
  9. Hello, I also have CTDs but didn't experience them with the IXEG ( I may not have used it enough to have them), I have XEnviro, yes, but I have CTDs when using the Saab340 (which is also a Gizmo plane) on Plane 10, I haven't had CTDs so far with the Ixeg on Plane 11 and Xenviro. I guess the issue is more with the couple Gizmo/Xenviro rather than the planes. Also I have no particular action going on the Log.txt or Gizmolog.txt, but it seems by looking at XEnviro log it happens when XEnviro is fetching weather, the action ending by loading of environmental sounds. It seems that it crash at this moment, My guess would be that the custom sound engines used by LES and X-enviro are conflicting and I guess in your case the Ixeg sound engine with Xenviro. I don't know if it is Gizmo related but only Gizmo planes on my setup have this issue...
  10. Tchou

    Unknown plugin

    Remove the plugind you have installed then
  11. The menu shows up when the plane is powered up. The APU can be restored using the planemaker trick.
  12. Buy X-plane 10 again, don't install it then install X-plane 11 when it's out, I don't understand what you are not getting...
  13. I'm not looking for simplification, But as stated before by @Charraeus in this thread, there are pages of VSpeed tables, but missing the headline which should state about parameters to consider. For example, What flap setting is this chart for ?
  14. Hello, Since Then I've bought the Saab 340 A, and it's a very nice plane indeed. But the charts are giving me a headache also, to figure out what page to use in what situation... Flaps 5, 15, etc... do you have an update on this ?
  15. I was not satisfied with previous versions of skymaxx, i agree the clouds are beautiful and the effects really good, but the low clouds drawing distance was a definite setback for me... especially when you are FL300++ so this time I won't benefit the upgrade discount, I will wait to see the results on a similar computer as mine, then I'll buy it, or not... But I agree with the fact that the developers are doing a good job, trying to make their product better and better each time... keep up the good work folks... ;-)
  16. That was just a question, because freeing the system bus' , GPU and CPU ressources just by making Gizmo sleep surprised me a bit... that's all.
  17. So, does it means that Gizmo which is loaded, even with none of gizmo related products to run, is taking CPU cycles, making the stuff from the competition run slower ? Is it possible to make gizmo completely sleep when not using gizmo enabled products ?
  18. @mishaikin, I think you misread, he said that the last Pirate attempt to crack their product forced them to make gizmo more Win/Mac specific, hence taking it further back from having a linux compatibility... He never said that linux users are pirates...
  19. it's on JAR's Forum, as you need to be logged in to access it a link wouldn't do much.
  20. I don't know how he does it but JAR's A330 reads metar from departure/destination, I think it does query on an external website, because sometime the Metar differs from X-plane's one. PMDG use weather from PFPX files or Active Sky
  21. I guess it is doable, coupling it with winds aloft function in x-plane (If I'm correct it is supposed to get data on winds at given FL to anticipate the descent VNAV). But It wouldn' t work everywhere.
  22. do you have a gaming motherboard, they often use a proprietary system to prioritize game's network flow over the others. (It would have to be really bad configured to block other apps streams though).
  23. They are planning to release 1.0.8 when it is ready, not before, this hopefuly will avoid you from complaining that this or that doesn't work. and that they shouldn't have released it if it was not ready.
  24. These are different cases, I had the SMP issues before upgrading windows but SMP never got me down to 3-4 Fps all suddenly, it went more like to 15 fps from 40-50 fps. But I guess some less experimented users may have mistaken the Win10 Anniversary issue as an SMP one. The Win10 Anniversary issue is triggered when you switch in and out of an OpenGL enabled app, if you stay in X-plane and don't Alt-Tab out of it, you shouldn't have the issue, the problem is Alt-Tabbing back doesn't restore anything. I had to rollback to previous Windows version, and had to reinstall some software too. (antivirus, Nvidia drivers etc...). I hope Microsoft backup system was as efficient as Apple's one.
  25. do you hav a more specific message than "or something…" If you are not precise in your description, you won't get helped. make a screenshot. And also you could contact X-Aviation Support… with the right message, the developpers will now what went wrong. http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/contact_us.php?osCsid=3c80b0e6ea2a4eb5ef5a61708ee30547
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