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Everything posted by Scorpio47

  1. Was this video ever posted? Would it be too much to ask you for a link? Thank you
  2. That is very kind and not a bad idea as it might help someone in the future for sure!
  3. Thank you, Pils, that is what I had understood as well, but for some reason the name for that state is not taken and nothing much happens (in XP12 at least...) That is why I asked for more detailed instructions DANKE und alles Gute! Jürgen Edit a few minutes later: It worked now! Thank you both Graeme and Pils
  4. Thank you Graeme, for this important hint. However I rather like to determine myself when to save a state rather then relying on the autosave feature so as to be able to start with that state in any future flight. Therefore my question is: Can I save a state BEFORE leaving the plane (and XP11/12 and how to do that? Thank you in advance already and take care. Cheers Juergen
  5. Any updates since we last spoke about 9 months ago? ;-)
  6. I also hope that you will the necessary time pretty soon. We all would love to use your outstanding version in XP12! THANK YOU and all the best to you and yours, Juergen
  7. The XPLM plugin is NOT a third party plugin, it is installed and apparently required by Laminar!!! I deleted it and the sim would refuse to start and demanded an update. That update reinstalled that plugin und 2 dll files. Any ideas? Thank you very much, Juergen
  8. I´ll swing by early next year... Happy New Year!
  9. Thank you very much, but unfortunately that VA seems to be inaccessible...
  10. Just to thank you again under my original name.... I had to create a new account to send my question and request here, but Scorpio and I are the same person. Enjoy this beautiful plane and many happy landings in it! P.S. I am sure Santa would exchange it without hesitation for his reindeer sledge
  11. Thank you, will check ist out
  12. I was just wondering if there is any virtual airline on the net making use of this extraordinary aircraft and if so where could I find more info. There are a few VAs posing as "corporate" or "executive" airlines, but so far I have not found one that has the Challenger in their fleet.... Thank you in advance
  13. Thank you both Pils and Ben, that will most probably be the situation then. My idea was simply triggered by that strange path and I assumed that it came from the sounds database built into the plane. Your explanation makes perfect sense and we can all only hope that Laminar will take care of the issue in the next version. Until then I´ll just ignore the errors and live with the CdT at the end of each session. No harm done Thanks again for your expert input and for teaching us something (again)! Cheers Jürgen
  14. Hi Pils, I am not so sure about that, as other aircraft use FMOD too and do NOT lead to this long list of "Error(s) trying to allocate a channel". That seems to indicate that it IS perhaps a problem specific to the Challenger.... OK, nothing bad happens I guess, but nevertheless XP crashes when asked to quit and wants to send a report to Microsoft (who could not care less...). As you can see from the message above, there seems to be a faulty path starting with "C:/jenkins/design-triggered/source......." that provokes those messages. Perhaps this can be corrected in the file "Master Bank.bank" which is the biggest in the fmod directory and probably holds that information which is clearly wrong. I would assume that no user has a directory on his C: drive with that name, haha. Thanks for looking into this annoying error messages which are unique to the Challenger. If that helps to exclude our beloved plane, even better. The question then is where this path information comes from..... Kind regards Jürgen P.S. I found fmod also in the Carenado Turbo Commander 690B and the Phenom 300 by Aerobask and most likely some other planes. They do not generate that error....
  15. Hello ois650, thank you for the clarification, all flowers go to Saso and Goran, but some little offspring has to be handed over to testers like you, too :-) Enjoy your short vacation and have fun with everything you do. Cheers, Juergen
  16. Agreed, IronCroptop, and that is what I and certainly many others already did.... However, all these nice videos cannot replace a decent text tutorial with illustrations, as that is so much easier to use in parcicular when you can print it out and use it alongside the sim. (I do not have a second monitor, only could use my iPad to view on Youtu.be and simultaneously use XP on my PC So, please do not bury this idea too fast and try to give the users some tutorials in text form, at least in addition to the videos. (With the proper software it should even be possible to use the speech from the videos and dictate it to a text that then only needed some editing and adding relevant screesnhots ) Mr. Rob "Hammer´s" videos are really good and very helpful for more insight, but again, I do not see them as a replacement for a "Chuck style" tutorial text. Have a good weekend and a great start into the new week soon. Cheers Juergen
  17. Makes absolute sense! Thank you, Pils for this explanation and enlightening insights. I was not aware of the degree of "intelligence" this plane demonstrates.... It is very rare that I touch the date settings when starting a flight, unless I need to see snow and ice.... However it seems not to be possible to update the date after loading a saved state and changing it in the flight settings to save it then. I have tried, but when resuming nothing changed (probably why it is called "resume"...). But also a "start new flight" after changing the date AND location did not get rid of the MARCH indication. It seems I have to restart the whole procedure and use today´s date, then save a few states for backup purposes, like Cold and Dark, APU running, ready for engine start etc.pp. Again, thank you for your help, Pils, and have a great weekend with family and friends. Cheers Juergen
  18. Sorry, but I thought the secondary data base is actually the one used by the FMS, and my Flightplan is based on 2206, so I guess they should be the same, right? And then wat does the request to check the dates mean, please? Thank you for some more detail, Pils....
  19. I found this thread when searching for the title and could in the meantime update my AIRAC circle to 2206. I was able to copy the line from LSK2L to the scratch pad and then into LSK3L. However when trying to paste that data back into the scratch pad and from there into LK3L I get an error "INVALID ENTRY" followed by "CHK DATA BASE DATES", see screenshots attached... What should I do to update the line for the secondary data base LSK3L? I am turning in circles at the moment...
  20. Thank you ois650 for your reply and the answers provided. I am aware of that nearly 7 hour video and it is very instructive, but far too long for a beginner and/or newbie. It could however be used as a basis for such a tutorial as I had it in mind, Chuck style so to speak I appreciate your efforts and dedication put into this extraordinary plane and I can assure you that you have set a new standard for high level addons for ANY platform. And being lazy myself in that respect, I know how difficult it is to take notes during that kind of work for later use as a guideline for others..... However I am glad you find my idea for a "Chuck style" tutorial not completely stupid and hope that you can convince the rest of the team to put some resources into such a tutorial. Have great weekend and a good start into the new week. Take care and stay safe! Cheers
  21. Even if this is an older discussion I would like to support the request for a more appropriate documentation for such a pricy addon. What about a tutorial flight describing in sufficient detail the steps to perform to fly the plane from the delivery in CYUL to another airport not too far away? That would not require a full size "manual" nor technical documentation, just a simple description - if possible with illustrations - of the actions the pilot needs to do to accomplish this first flight. And that should also not infringe any copyright or ask too much time for one of the developers or beta testers to write, I guess. Something in the style of this famous series of Guides (Chuck´s Guides) would even be better :-) Please give the newbies more help to get going Cheers Scorpio47
  22. Thank you, Ilias, for your prompt reply and the confirmation that there is nothing "wrong" with my setup and Gizmo As to that speed limit, I shall watch out more carefully in the future and hope to avoid engine burn out. But even if I might not need it, I would still be interested to know the proper way to restart an engine in flight.... Thanks again and σας ευχαριστώ Jürgen
  23. Thank you, Ilias, will do that for sure. So far I had this twice, but today I could fly for about 150 NM without any incident. Will be alert for another one if it happens. Thank you for that video, I will watch it and certainly learn a lot more about this wonderful airplane! Have a good week and take care Juergen EDIT after my last flight: The engines worked flawlessly, only at FL310 the left engine indication showed a jitter when I went above 67%, below that value all was fine. Furthermore after touch down a window opened, triggered by Gizmo with a warning in red letters. Unfortunately I did not take a screenshot, but it mentioned something was not found in connection with OnUpdate.... For your information I have attached my log file .... THANK YOU for your help and support Cheers Juergen Log.txt
  24. I have experienced twice in the last days the loss of my left engine for no apparent reason. The right engine continued normally. I tried to restart the engine but that did not work. What is the correct procedure for restarting an engine while in flight, please? Thank you, Ilias, for this crucial information and perhaps a hint where i can find a tutorial or checklist for that situation, if you know of one. Otherwise, thank you again for an excellent plane! Cheers, Scorpio47
  25. Hello Ilias, thank you for this quick update! It solves my problem! :-) Yesterday I made my first flight with it and about 10 minutes after take off my lef engine died for no obvious reason.... So, I was looking for some guidance in the form of a manual or tutorial videos, but could not find any particular reference to engine management. In early 2020 you wrote here: "I should apologize because I don't have any documentation covering the aircraft. I might do a "tutorial" like video to show a few things special to Avanti and how you should operate the aircraft." Is that still true? Any more concrete plans? Thank you again for your dedication and the excellent work you have done for this unique aircraft. Best wishes Jürgen
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