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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. The version number in sim was a small oversight that is documented in the forums. You do have the correct version installed. I'll leave it to John or Frank to help you with the framing issue.
  2. Thanks for sharing that, but I also wanted to make sure I understood you fully. I thought we had addressed those concerns to you. The way you worded it you still felt something was missing that should be standard. As Goran stated, flap sounds are pretty inaudible in the Saab. Further, even the lever is not really an audible item, especially against the dynamics in the cockpit with all the turboprop roar. Consider that pilots wear headsets and it diminishes even more! We actually DO have flap sounds, but they were done at a purposeful low decibel. Only other thing I saw in that thread was ground roll. I need to re-visit the rumble from ground roll, but I recall that being deliberate too. I have an immense amount of time in the Saab from the years 2004-2008, and a lot of initial programming and sound work revolved around that experience. These are really the only two things you mentioned in that topic, but the way you worded it in this topic made it out to be a bigger issue. You literally said "it lacks a lot of sounds." Is there anything else you wanted to add to that list? I'm not focused on the replay thing, just sounds that you consider to be standard. This is valid. Having said that, I also think you could have worked on not letting your frustrations get the best of you when you said, " Maybe I should tell them to buy the Carenado Saab instead, as this version seems to be buggy and no bugfixes are available." At that point you're just pushing buttons. Totally acceptable if you want to make such recommendations to others, but not really necessary to come in here and threaten it either. You could have also just bumped up the thread with a question of any progress and left the comment out completely. This is incredibly true. It's very easy for people to get lost in it all though. The work that goes behind these projects is a really insane amount. I'm proud to say that even since X-Plane 9 and 6 years later for this particular aircraft, we are still kicking out updates free of charge. Nothing says we have to do that, but we do.
  3. I'm way more involved with products we sell than you realize. Don't assume things you don't know. You're very wrong with this comment. Assumptions get you in trouble. They were very relevant to his point (or so he felt). That's why he made the comments and tried to use them as a form to make his point. It's not hard to comprehend what he was insinuating when he mentioned paying full price and waiting for 3 months. The problem is he used that out of context to bolster his argument. That won't fly here. Period. I'll absolutely set anyone straight who skews things. We will agree to disagree. There's nothing sensitive about any of it, and if he wanted to keep it sensitive he should have left it out to begin with. I'm not even going to further argue that with you. Enough political correctness. Human to human, you're blowing things way out of proportion if non-detailed order info bothers you to your core. That's ridiculous. Find a way to control posting about it more. It's overboard. Now that you've seen my last post that this part of the discussion is done, it really and truly is. Anymore of it and it's gone. This is not the time or place to spill your personal battles. The Saab. That's what this topic is about, and it needs to stay that way. I hope I've made myself perfectly clear.
  4. Could you please expand on this? The aircraft utilized a 3D sound engine that has essentially the same features as FMOD, so while we will be moving towards FMOD for the sake of making things cohesive, I'm actually really curious on what sounds you feel are actually lacking and are standard. If it weren't profitable we wouldn't do it. Our Saab sells quite well, and for reason. I honestly noticed pretty much no decline or bump in sales after Carenado's release, so either people have both, or people continue to buy one over the other. All I know is consistency in predictable sales has remained, so we're happy enough with that to proceed forward with v2. To the both of you...don't bother coming in here to try and stir small things into big. I'm quite serious about this. I divulged nothing of sensitivity. The OP stated their approximate order time on their own, as well as misinformation about their purchase price to try and bolster his/her stance. Hundreds of others ordered on the same day, thousands in the same week. You cannot gain their name, age, location, e-mail, credit card, or anything else from that, and we are not going to start making mountains out of corn in this thread. If you want to start those kinds of arguments you can kindly move on with our help. I hope that much is clear. THIS part of the discussion is done. Keep it out of here or future posts will be removed. We are not going to sit in here and have spats over something so simple. So long as you can keep the discussion about the Saab and be civil, everyone's happy and we move on.
  5. With all due respect, please don't turn this into something it's not. You fired shots with comments that were entirely unnecessary in here. Were you expecting a welcome party about your praises for Carenado? You've since tried to dismiss them as just being about update progression in Carenado's favor. It was very evident by your own words that you were covering more than just their update progress, including your perception (or lack thereof) of how there are few, if any differences between the two products. For those that know the depth of the systems and care about them, that in itself is an insult. But, more importantly, my comment to you to enjoy Carenado if that's your style was genuine. You just aren't our target if that's how you feel. Fine...accepted. How soon people forget, that till this day 10 years in business and since X-Plane 9, X-Aviation has yet to charge any money for ANY update of an aircraft. That's a lot of updates, a lot of time passed, and an absolute ton of dedication. This isn't an argument. Treat those how you want to be treated. It's really a simple concept.
  6. Training departments utilize the same version as all customers. If that's the case then you would not have found Carenado "lacking nothing in comparison." Those are your own words And, you have not quite owned it for 3 months either. You did not pay full price. Far from it, actually, with the discount you paid. Cheaper than Carenado, in fact. I don't see how you could find a comment condescending if the new purchase you made with Carenado was "lacking nothing in comparison." You bought it, you enjoy it. So...enjoy Carenado!
  7. This goes to show how subjective the view is. If you're happy with an aircraft that doesn't properly and in-depth simulate systems, but has "bug fixes" for things, cool! Our product is utilized in training departments of airlines, and the person you quoted above is a real world Saab driver. So, say what you like, insult as you wish, but we can highly beg to differ with what's "waaaaaaaay better". Some people just like simple and lack of realism in systems simulation. You seem to fall in this camp and that's okay, but majority of our customers do not. Enjoy Carenado!
  8. He has not pushed any update. All I see on the org is the one labeled 1.1.1, which was a re-labeled version of the last release from X-Aviation. I'm sure you can contact him here or on the org if you like too.
  9. That was supposed to say "X-Plane 11 gets its data from the same source as Real Weather Connector." If you're utilizing XPGFS then yes, that's different. The 'Always' mode in RWC grabs cloud information from the same source as default X-Plane did. Therefore, if you used X-Plan's default real weather download method then simply updating to X-Plane 11 would solve the issue assuming you were okay not using XPGFS. If that's not something you can live without then you'll definitely need to wait for the update.
  10. Yes, I am saying exactly that. X-Plane 11 gets its data from the same source as default X-Plane. Simply placing Real Weather Connector to the "automatic" setting with X-Plane 11 real weather turned on will produce the same result as if our data were working.
  11. You don't have to bother checking this thread for updates because you'll get an email anyhow. I don't know of any plugin that works in native X-Plane that required an update for this. NOAA doesn't even count. You're way back in the realm of X-Plane 10, and Laminar didn't even update it for you. Be thankful we're willing to do it instead. I'm not going to argue this out. It's being actively worked on. If you were using X-Plane 11 this wouldn't even be a concern since X-Plane fixed it there.
  12. We'll certainly do what we can on our end. It'll be up to the developer to help on the other side, and I do believe he's working out a path forward for everyone.
  13. Because IXEG was not about trying to sell you a product with gimmicks to make up for something else it couldn't do. Realistic cockpit simulation is and was the primary concern. To this date there are still essentially no airliners that come close to simulating the actual systems in the way IXEG does. Wing flex is so minimal on a 737-300 it's pretty much not noticeable. Yet another reason why it was senseless to put that as something to focus on rather than the incredible systems simulation that it is.
  14. Or you could just fly the plane like a normal human would do in the real world looking out the cockpit window? That is what we're simulating, after all.
  15. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.1.9 update for the TBM 900. All customers who have purchased the TBM 900 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the TBM 900 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.1.9 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original TBM 900 download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: Improvements / New Features: New ground steering model to put an end to the unstable takeoffs & landings. Implemented GPU rental costs. Added hand-towing option to the sidebar drawer. XP11.30 engine changes during startup to produce a lower startup ITT spike. Added inertial separator transition sounds. Pressing TIMER on the yoke automatically brings up the TMR/REF page. AviTab support integrated into yoke-mounted tablet. Tablet now stows in the door pocket. You can still use the USB ports to summon it, but this will be removed in a future update. Reworked pressurization schedule. The system will now gradually change the cabin pressure target as we are nearing the destination, instead of going to it immediately on takeoff. Pressurization won't fling open the OFV fully on landing, but modulate until equalization has been achieved. Corrected high-altitude performance to be within +-2 knots of POH tablets. Implemented configuration-dependent KIAS errors to match POH values. Implemented sidebar drawer smooth animation. AOA sensor failure separated out from AHRS and now individually settable in "Edit Failures" window. Visual configurations window now includes option to use older custom heatblur effect. Expired databases show in amber on MFD splash screen. Replaced G1000 manual link with one for the TBM850 & TBM900. Bugfixes: Battery recharge button in maintenance manager was incorrectly disabled. Restructured battery voltage drop with load to give more realistic red battery voltage indications during start. Fixed CAS message pixel alignment issues. GPH indication on EICAS should properly respond when moving into or out of CUTOFF. Electronic checklist was asking for "FUEL SEL" to OFF in a few places, when it should have called for MAN instead. Gear wear was using incorrect sideslip computation. Rudder propwash force correction could end up taking reverse thrust into account, when it shouldn't. Fixed missing pitot & static covers Low-fuel instability wasn't powerful enough. Fixed prop overspeed on reverse with slow forward motion. Workaround for ReShade bug causing hang in its OpenGL hooks DLL. ODB was missing minimum download speed clamp to abort if the download is slow. Don't try removing the odb directory if it didn't exist to avoid a spurious error log message. glutils drawing wasn't properly disabling vertex arrays, leading to potential crash. As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  16. I don't know who you are, so there's not much to help you with here. You should be using support@x-aviation.com anyhow.
  17. X-Plane.org does not use our activation system. You are confusing two different things. Either way, the box you see is for products we create at X-Aviation that you do not legally own.
  18. You were using someone else's credentials to use our products illegally. You have now been banned in our system.
  19. You did not submit a support ticket over a week ago (unlike you have claimed). It has yet to be even a week. Machine ID's are unique fingerprints for a computer, and are not the same thing as a Machine Name. We never ask you to input a Machine ID. If you received this error in sim it is because you self de-authorized your machine and typed 'FREEZE' in the box when asked to do so as your acknowledgment that the process of de-authorizing is irreversible.
  20. When we have some we'll definitely be posting about it.
  21. Hello All, This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.0.1 update for the Pocket Rocket. All customers who have purchased the Pocket Rocket up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete instructions on how to obtain your update. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the Pocket Rocket from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.0.1 for you. What if I didn't get the update e-mail? If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do: 1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account_history.php 2. Find your original Pocket Rocket download and re-download the file. It will download as the latest version! The following is a list of additions/fixes included: What's New / Changed: New Beacon Light object New Cabin Light object G1000 Engine/System Page ITT scaling fixed G1000 Fuel Quantity metric units based on load manager setting Checklist state tracker adjusted Flap overspeed settings adjusted ITT tuned Aircraft menu drag handles improved Igniter sensitivity reduced Random failures should be less frequent Negative fuel weights prevented on load manager Added "-" button for custom tail numbers with hyphens in the tail number interface Oxygen refill button added to aircraft menu G5 auto off enabled Auto Transponder swap to ALT mode to mimic G1000 Synthetic vision failure with no AHRS overlapping on G5 fixed Yaw Damper improved G1000 Bezel-less popups added (afm/pr/cmd/popup/PFD_NOBEZEL /MFD_NOBEZEL) Aileron flutter on autopilot addressed As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support! Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  22. And from what I understand it only happens in the 2019 version. All prior versions work okay.
  23. I've heard of that happening twice before. Someone last time completely uninstalled Bit Defender and it worked after that. They switched to a different program, but I don't want to give out that advice. I just know that Bit Defender is what is causing this (I don't own it to help you out further than that).
  24. Moving the aircraft folder will cause you issues during updates. Please do not do that. There is no reason to do so.
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