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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Cameron

    X-Aviation Gets A New Look

    X-Aviation has been re-designed from the ground up! The new site is intended to make your shopping easier by placing the information you really want to know at the top of each product page, and brings a modern, mobile friendly shop with it as well. No matter where you are, you can now shop with ease from any device!
  2. This kind of a defensive tone is essentially enough to prove my suspicions without you directly answering. Evasion is as good an answer as any. I hope you stay safe and well during these interesting times, and find a bit more happiness in your days ahead.
  3. Have done it myself numerous times in a Cessna single. Not fun, but totally doable.
  4. Except that's all you've decided to try and do. Might as well call a spade a spade. Please find the time to respond here when you can: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/17611-initial-observations/?do=findComment&comment=148358 Glad you enjoy!
  5. Out of curiosity, what are your qualifications to be making these statements? They're rather bold. You have flat out tried to tell an aeronautical engineer that something is behaving unrealistic (and used a video as proof), but he tried to explain to you what was actually happening in the video and why that is NOT realistic to normal ops of the aircraft sans people moving around in it with a high AOA and ever-changing CG. Furthermore, numerous REAL WORLD Islander pilots were on the test team providing feedback and signing off on this before release. To me, this seems more of you not really knowing this aircrafts characteristics, but instead just guessing/assuming. I'm all for you having an opinion on aspects you personally don't enjoy (like sounds or textures), but if you're going to trash talk flight models at least back it up with something more valid than a parachuting video.
  6. Wait...bottom left corner...press "Continue" I think you're pressing the right side menu (we'll be removing that from the checkout process soon).
  7. You're probably not entering the correct expiry. It's 4 digits for the year. Are you only entering two?
  8. Hi all, Grau also did a stream with it and you can see that here:
  9. Yes, that haze is not something SkyMaxx produces, and your sky looks very bright. My guess is this is the culprit. The shadows I'm still unsure of in that last screenshot. Perhaps a by-product of re-shade as well.
  10. Do you have some other kind of shader plugin installed to control the colors of your environment? Re-Shade, or anything like that? Would also help to know if you're running this in 11.41 or 11.5, and if you're in 11.5, can you try it with OpenGL active instead of Vulkan?
  11. Unfortunately we partnered up with JonFly at a later portion of the day and the stream was scheduled later than we normally would do to give people time to squeeze it in their schedule. That said, we still had a great turnout on stream. His streams are archived, but only viewable to subscribers of his channel. We have provided copies to several other streamers, so I'm sure there will be plenty opportunity! I will definitely see if JonFly can make an exception on this video though.
  12. It's certainly the intention, but things remain to be seen on what can yet be done. We worked directly with Laminar to at least open up some path to OpenGL drawing in Vulkan so we could keep SkyMaxx going, but it did require quite a bit of work to get there on our side too. If it's ultimately possible to do, of course librain will be moved, but for now this is not a current possibility with the current builds on that effect library.
  13. With the release of Metal/Vulkan, custom effects like this (librain) are no longer compatible and new work arounds will need to be made. At this time Laminar is still heavily developing the API's and doesn't want to give everything up just yet, so there are some sacrifices like this for the time being.
  14. Does this happen with other aircraft. Appears to be some kind of clipping, which makes me wonder if it's the way the windows are being rendered in that aircraft.
  15. Sound appears to be loading. Have you double checked that the sound preferences in X-Plane have the volume turned up?
  16. You are allowed two copies. It would require you to use the TBM installer on both installs of X-Plane to work.
  17. @sundog Probably good to get you in on this one.
  18. @Sean Harger Please download and install this beta of Gizmo: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/17546-gizmo64-v2004150230-beta/
  19. That feeling is incorrect. As I stated, we had an internal discussion about this. That discussion led us to the conclusion I just told you. That's really all there is to say on it. I wouldn't have a problem telling you if we didn't have something, or we were guessing based on tables, or whatever honest answer I can give. But, the honest answer is as stated. We have an owner co-operating with us who wishes to keep his personal airplane personal in exchange for access, and we are not willing to gamble that relationship in any way in order to please a forum request. At the end of the day, the access and accommodation of such is much more important to us and ultimately this product. Thanks for respecting that.
  20. We had a discussion about this after your initial request and the individual owner who provided aircraft access to us would like to maintain his privacy. We appreciate his effort in helping us and giving access, but also must respect his wishes to keep he and his aircraft "out of it".
  21. Cameron

    SkyMaxx Pro v4.9.1 Brings Vulkan Support

    What are you talking about John? Not real clear who your reply is for.
  22. Cameron

    SkyMaxx Pro v4.9.1 Brings Vulkan Support

    X-Plane can be ran in two modes on Mac: OpenGL or Metal When using OpenGL selected in rendering settings, you may fully enjoy SkyMaxx Pro v4.9.1. There will not be a Metal version of SkyMaxx Pro v4 for Mac, sadly. The reason was clearly laid out by Laminar Research (developers of X-Plane) in the following words: "...3-d drawing compatibility will be available for Vulkan, but not Metal. The technique we are using is not available on OS X, so running a cloud plugin on Mac will require the OpenGL driver, not Metal. This isn’t something we can fix with some future bit of cleverness – it’s a limitation of OS X’s APIs. (We would revisit this if Apple introduced a new API but I do not expect this to happen.)" You can read more about that here: https://developer.x-plane.com/2020/02/cloud-add-ons-and-vulkan-episode-iv-a-new-hope/ In other words, it's simply impossible to do.
  23. You already asked this question, received an answer to it, and acknowledged it.
  24. Cameron

    Saab 340a

    That would require auto-throttle, which the Saab 340 never had in real life.
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