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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. If your time between sessions is 14 days or more you will need to re-enter details. This is a security measure in place. It will not be changed.
  2. I am glad you found my obvious answer to an obvious question to be understandable. For real. We do not give estimates.
  3. You currently own the latest.
  4. Likely GPU related. The reality is, complexity is only a small factor in the overall equation. The 3D detail in the SR22 is higher counts than in the TBM, and thus your GPU is probably working harder to render.
  5. Delete the data inside the following folder: X-Plane/Output/TBM900
  6. Does it suddenly not work for you?
  7. --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: AOS}==-- Appears to be this: C:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/win_x64/SAM.xpl
  8. You have now received 3 replies in two days to support tickets. This is false and I suggest you look in your spam or promo inbox. https://afmsim.com/g5-user-guide/ https://afmsim.com/g5-integration-guide/ Yes, that is how it is in real life. All of these questions were answered to you twice now in support tickets, a third time here.
  9. Considering you were at 32,000 ft and the default X-Plane map is showing weather, I would say the second part of Jan's reply is what applies here.
  10. Cameron


    Your log shows Gizmo could no be loaded. Perhaps try this: Go to Microsoft’s website to get the latest Visual C++ Redistributable here. Scroll to the section for “Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019” Download the linked file labeled x64 (vc_redist.x64.exe) Run the installer Restart your computer
  11. It's not currently on our list of aircraft, no.
  12. As I recall, you are attempting to use the product in a training scenario with an instructor. This is not permitted with your license. Failures will require a commercial license for the scenario you are using it in.
  13. I'm not here to debate you. I'm just informing you. The policies are made clear. Actions can have consequences. I've done my part to explain those consequences to you. At the end of the day you make your own decisions.
  14. There have been consistent updates about this in threads asking. I suggest you read some of @Goran_M's responses. It's quite clear no one is just sitting around twiddling thumbs. You may also take part in the beta by joining the discord. Highly suggest you make yourself aware that disputes will result in immediate termination of your account and associated machine(s) for life without refund. All current and future products will discontinue working, and the dispute will be disputed on our end as well. This is documented in our Terms & Conditions: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/terms_condition.php You run a gamble playing games like that.
  15. One activation is for ALL purchases.
  16. It does NOT ask you to remember an old name. It asks you to make a NEW name. It might also ask you to type the word FREEZE in all capital letters. I don't know about anything else you have said. There's nothing about machine numbers like you have said.
  17. None of what you have said is accurate.
  18. I think you should probably read and search through the forum before making posts. There's a lot of information here.
  19. You do not have a commercial license, which would be required as specified on the product page.
  20. Clouds can be lit by the moonlight. SkyMaxx Pro takes account of this and simulates it if enough moon is visible.
  21. @leinsters I have to admit, I don't think I've ever seen this situation of high altitude flights losing FPS. I've now seen three reports of that this week, which is making me think something, somewhere has a memory leak. I'm on a Mac, but have used Windows prior to this as well, and almost all of the flying I'll do is IFR with the IXEG 737. I do wonder if X-Plane 11.5 has something up. Maybe even just Vulkan? I'm assuming you are using the Gizmo beta as your selection in the installer? I'd be interested to know how your experience goes in OpenGL mode as well. Most of what John and I speak of are more or less in relation to settings as a whole. But, departing somewhere and climbing out should be relatively uniform in FPS assuming your weather depicted is roughly the same.
  22. Can you post a screenshot of: 1. Your main X-Plane folder 2. Your Real Weather settings in the SkyMaxx Pro menu? SkyMaxx Pro and RWC actually don't touch or interact in any way with winds, so I'm afraid that's going to come down to either FSGRW or Pilot Edge (pretty sure they inject winds).
  23. Hi there, No, we have no plans for this.
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