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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. Right side menu. Open the TQ Window. Make sure everything is aligned.
  2. It's not as much as you might think, sorry to say. No, but what @sundog has told you is sound information. Logical deduction brought about that conclusion.
  3. I also encourage you to use the search feature in the forums. It's been discussed many times.
  4. @Tim013 Look for changes like that in v2. After 8 years of free updates on this version, we are sunsetting any new visual changes. At this point it's purely a bug fixing and closing the door situation for this iteration of the Saab.
  5. That looks as intended. The lenses are also there on the lights. You can see them at various angles.
  6. But it's already been almost 6 years.
  7. Windows 7 as well? You guys really need to think about getting out of ancient OS's! If not just for future driver stability and enhancements for things like Vulkan. Sheesh, guys.
  8. I do not agree. Win 7 to Win 10 was the most painless transition of any MS OS I had ever done. Your mileage may vary, but trying to run a very outdated operating system that is not even supported by MS is not wise either. You should really upgrade before it becomes too late to actually safely migrate your data. There is likely NOT going to be a path from Win7 to Win11 (or whatever it will be called). THAT would be foolish and a hassle.
  9. That's the issue, unfortunately. The above poster also went through this. You can see the resolution here:
  10. What version of Windows are you on?
  11. @BillyJB The error is caused by you upgrading to Mac OS X 64-bit only since your last install of the Saab. You can delete the Saab uninstaller file located in X-Plane/X-Aviation. That should solve it.
  12. I guarantee you resolution on our end. At least then I can work with you if something is actually wrong, but I'm 99% confident this really is the problem.
  13. Unfortunately not. As now this has been installed on thousands of machines and I don't have anything from anyone else like this. Diagnosing something on an operating system that old is not going to be something I can do, so your options are: 1. Upgrade to Windows 10 when you're financially able or 2. Downgrade the Saab 340A to v1.5.1 (you can request this via X-Aviation support) and manually install the old Gizmo version where things worked. 11 years old is just too long gone in the world of software and hardware at this point.
  14. Because software moves on, libraries get updated, and now you're hoping and expecting everything to work on an 11 years old operating system. Apple doesn't even allow things to work on 4-5 year old operating systems if they're built on the latest. I didn't bother to ask you about what your OS was because that's so old and long ago. I had come across answers last night that did correlate the issue to Windows 7, but being as old as it is I looked over it. It may be that you can no longer run these things until you upgrade (or run the old Gizmo and downgrade the Saab to the old version).
  15. And yes, from reading I've done online I do believe it has to do with this.
  16. Cool. Maybe something to consider for v2. Definitely not going to be implemented in the current run. The purpose of this update went above and beyond, and after being on the market for 8 years with free updates it's time to move on from new features in this run.
  17. That appears to be a Saab 340B+. The aircraft modeled is an A.
  18. @maksimus1650 I don't know why you chose to do this after you had things working. Unfortunately now I don't have an answer and you may need to wait quite a while. You should have left things working the way they were after we dealt with it in the Saab forums.
  19. There's a window behind that says to activate. You need to do that.
  20. This hasn't even been released, so no clue what you're saying awful to. Must be the old version from many years ago?
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