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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. You have greatly misinterpreted again. X-Pilot is a community website. Everything on here is free, the front page content included. It's not a main priority, but we have allowed various community members over the years to have access and post on that page. Unfortunately it's not an exciting task, and while people initially say yes, follow through is typically dismal. This is really dramatic. It's very evident you have little clue what you're talking about when it comes to the whole community and our customers vs your own view. Please stop.
  2. If it were a paid upgrade it would be no faster. Your speculation is very off.
  3. Uh, no I did not. The specific detail was that it will be a few weeks. This is 100% correct!
  4. I'm not sure what any of what you just said means, especially the part about "'specific details'?$". I can only assume that you know nothing of the inner workings or reasonings, so any assumptions you have are assuredly way off. Goran is giving you guys optimism and false hope without lying that it will be a few weeks. We may as well kill that now and make expectations reasonable rather than a stampede a week from now asking why it isn't out when Goran made it seem like it would/could be. Nothing will change that outcome. The whole "first impressions" talk is nonsense when it comes to this update.
  5. A few weeks, since Goran doesn't want to just come out with that specific detail.
  6. Please post your log.txt file.
  7. Looking at Plane Maker values tells you nothing. We use custom programming and source code that you cannot see at all.
  8. Best video I've ever seen. A good use of time, I'd say. How dare you clip clouds and not make perfection at all times, John. I hate your product but I'm going to continue to use it. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
  9. Please use the forum search function. It will do wonders for you.
  10. Not really. All you've shown is some topic full of speculation about a potential SDK. The aircraft is using standard X-Plane information. Default works with it, SkyMaxx Pro works with it. xEnviro is choosing their own path. I'm sure they have their reasons, but such is life for the moment.
  11. Typically happens if you have special characters in your password (%,#,*, etc) or a firewall.
  12. Most of those textures are going to load to your video card. The 16GB RAM could be upgraded to 32 and help you out quite a bit too. RAM is never a bad thing. I'd be willing to bet a great deal of your "slow" down was due to the uncompressed setting. There's really no sense in flying your sim that way. It's a waste of resource for little return.
  13. Adding to this, you should be sure texture compression is on in the X-Plane settings!
  14. Full right is really a terrible use of your rendering settings. It's unnecessary, and even Laminar Research would tell you that's a waste of computer resources. The biggest killers will be shadows and reflections. I'd be willing to bet that reflections are playing a very big role in your FPS reduction. Trying to compare airport sceneries to a region scenery like this is not a good measure of your computers ability.
  15. @envey777, I have just discovered what is happening here. This was very hard to find, because it seems you have created multiple user accounts on X-Aviation, and purchased this product under an account where you deliberately used a misspelled e-mail address and last name. Your activation is improperly done because you have registered your computer to an account that has no purchases under it. Please go to X-Aviation.com and use the chat support feature on this page now if able: http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/contact_us.php
  16. That's what you said, and that's the part I took issue with. Context is everything. So long as it's on YOUR machine it's okay.
  17. The entire throttle system and engines are receiving a new update very shortly to make it easier to understand and use. I suggest you wait till that time. Most of the work is done at this point. Please be aware that you should not allow other people to download and activate software you purchased. This is not allowed!
  18. Lee, You're not winning any hearts here by opening a second thread to a previous that was already locked. We do not handle activation issues in the forums. The appropriate ticket channels are the only method. I think at this point it's pretty obvious that we give multiple pages and confirmations in the de-authorization process of a machine to make it very clear this is a forever move. It's made very clear in the wording. Mistakes happen, and we're happy to work with people on them once we conduct our own verifications on license uses in this situation, but your lesson learned here is to be diligent and soak in the information presented to you on a screen. Support tickets are the only method of help with this situation, and that doesn't mean sending multiple support tickets either. In your previous thread you said: "I sent two support tickets and have not heard anything." This is rather infuriating to read you make claims like this, yet apparently (again) not reading more blatant information presented to you on our contact page where you submitted your support ticket: We will reply as soon as we are able and will endeavor to reply within 3 days, but usually quicker. Please do not send multiple e-mails or this will delay our response to you! Not only was your first e-mail not even in our system long enough for a first reply, you sent a second e-mail regardless of the fact it said not to send multiples.
  19. You're so keen to dish out advice, but not so keen to think before you type your initial gripes. I could go on and on about how YOU could have posted something in a much better manner of wording rather than tell us how easy it should be (when you clearly don't know what the limitations are). Marketing departments exist in the corporate world, and for good reason. You get one on one interaction here, but just as much as you're human, so are we. Use it wisely. That's the end of this topic.
  20. The only thing rude in here is you asserting that something was programmed incorrectly or that you can't possibly understand a design choice...like, how dare we do that! You not liking cold, hard facts and viewing them as rude is your own issue in and of itself. In fact, in my post I ended it by specifically stating: "You do nice work, but we have to be practical and economical in approach." Hardly rude on my end.
  21. You can't assume things you don't know. X-Plane itself is responsible for the rendering order. We can only do so much within those bounds. Complain to Laminar if you wish, but they'll basically tell you "Ya, we know, tough luck for now though." You have no idea how SkyMaxx Pro does scene rendering, so for you to assume something should be so easily done with regards to separating lens flare from clouds is not reality. And, in years and years of production, I think you're the first person I've heard even complain about this (probably because most people just fly instead of cinema). Our main concern is simmers first. You do nice work, but we have to be practical and economical in approach. Attempting to change something just for you even if you could would not be a smart or viable business decision!
  22. Uh, what? He got it solved, and the answers are in this topic provided by me. Get off your high horse. Coming in here and hoping to have everything handed to you is not how this works. Forums exist for people to search and find the answer that's been posted a million times, including in this topic. Use the resources of this forum that we provide to you and your life is much easier, especially when the answers are already here and you don't need to wait for one of us to answer.
  23. Cameron

    Machine locked

    We don't lock machines. You locked your own machine. When you have too many machines/OS's activated, you are presented with a screen that states to de-activate one "forever". You are presented with the names you gave each machine, and the activation date of each one. When you select it, you then have to acknowledge that you are about to forever de-activate a machine you've selected by manually typing in all caps the word "FREEZE". You selected the machine. You locked it. We just allowed you to do your own selection, and that's the end of this story.
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