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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. The aircraft does work in Vulkan. I just flew around with it yesterday.
  2. Use your username instead of e-mail when logging in.
  3. FOUR posts in a row from only you? Yes. Impatient. Don't fill the topic up with unnecessary posts about your problem not being solved. We don't need constant reminders, and it's not going to improve your response time. Vanilla means clean...a fresh install of X-Plane separate from the one you have now.
  4. This is a useless bug report. You need to provide logs, crash logs, and DETAILS.
  5. First off, STOP continuously replying to this thread with impatience. It is NOT necessary. I direct you back to my previous suggestion: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/17506-sky-maxx-v4-and-mac-os-mojave-10145/?do=findComment&comment=147628
  6. Computers run software and hardware. Hardware runs drivers. Not all configurations of drivers, brands of GPUs, or even CPUs are the same. Do I really have to explain this to you? Have you never noticed even different issues in Nvidia vs AMD when it comes to X-Plane? It's much bigger than just "software". It's what the software runs on.
  7. There are no alternatives to download. Just wanted to make sure we answered this question too.
  8. Not all computers are created equal. If they were, bugs wouldn't exist.
  9. I think you have your answer then. Submit a bug report to Laminar.
  10. I don't understand what you mean by this? OpenGL is a setting in the X-Plane rendering settings. Vulkan is disabled by default.
  11. Cameron

    TorqueSim SR22 Development Update 5

    In the latest SR22 development update, Coop takes us through explanations about the aerodynamics on this aircraft. TorqueSim states, "Aerodynamics is one of many reasons why we all love X-Plane. That’s also why, just like with the engine, aerodynamics on the TorqueSim SR22 have been designed to take full advantage of the simulator’s capabilities and get as close as possible to the real world equivalent. Therefore a professional flight model of the SR22 was created by X-Aerodynamics in 2018 – over many months of work using all available resources and documents. It is up to the most recent standards and greatly benefits of the flight model improvements introduced with version 11.41 of the simulator and is ready for 11.50." You can read more about the latest update in the SR22 forums here.
  12. Is this using Vulkan? What happens in OpenGL mode?
  13. You got something like re-shade installed? Something looks like it's playing with art controls or shaders there, and it's not SkyMaxx.
  14. What happens if you change "Efectos Visuales" to the right where HDR gets enabled? We have seen on Macs where X-Plane will disable some clouds without HDR on (which you should probably have on anyhow, as lights don't work on aircraft without it).
  15. Can you please show a screenshot of your rendering settings?
  16. You would be better suited to show screenshots of it changing.
  17. This response was all I needed to prove my point. Precisely who I thought you were is what you're consistently showing to be in your posts, and I'm happy to leave your latest post up to prove that point. Have a great day.
  18. Glad to hear of your positive results! Please do keep us informed if you do find any bugs. Squishing them is a priority.
  19. Absolutely ridiculous and ill informed statement. You're running beta software in an experimental mode on SkyMaxx, and here you are being a demanding a$$. Please, get over yourself. Perhaps you should consider that this is not how software works. You can only go so far with a test group before it's time to release to the masses who have more variations of hardware from various manufacturers, in various OS languages from around the world than you can shake a stick at. Ever pause to think that Laminar had an internal beta with a good chunk of testers for months before releasing X-Plane Vulkan/Metal? They literally waited till all bugs were cleared amongst developers. Here we are after mass release with 3 betas in almost a as many days with X-Plane 11.5. Furthermore, we produce Gizmo. And, the fact SkyMaxx Pro is able to work in Vulkan is because we directly worked with Laminar to get them to allow it. You're making all kinds of statements that are literally idiotic in nature. I'm really not interested in your nasty behavior OR uneducated smarta$$ comments. If you want to help, cool. If you don't, steer clear or we'll steer you clear ourselves. I'm serious about that. You very obviously have little experience in software support. We don't need to keep hashing that out. Got it? I sure do hope so. Don't even bother responding here unless you actually want to help. Otherwise, don't run beta software, and don't run experimental modes in beta software. You're evidently not cut out for it at the moment as it is with your temper.
  20. Honestly not interested in the defensive excuses. If you're going to make it a point to come and blame a product for your problems, at least back it up. What you have to do during the day is your own business, but if you're too busy then please don't come in here making claims without concrete proof of evidence. Why are you making excuses and getting defensive about AMD? Just back up your claims. It's simple. This isn't an Nvidia vs AMD war.
  21. Hi! Please provide us concrete proof and context on how you have definitely singled out SMP so we can look into this. Please do not provide guesses.
  22. Juan, You wrote to us in a support ticket on April 7th at 4:48am local time. We replied to you the same day roughly 6 hours later. I suggest you look in your spam box. At the time, you had questions regarding RWC, and I directed you to the following topic as to why RWC is beneficial: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/16536-what-does-rwc-do/?do=findComment&comment=142302 Perhaps showing a screenshot of the two conditions would be better. Right now it's hard to decipher what you're thinking or seeing over text. By default, X-Plane 11.5 will run in OpenGL mode. You have to consciously change the setting to Metal in order for it to take effect, and I don't think Metal is really all there in Mojave anyhow. Both SkyMaxx Pro v4.9+ and Real Weather Connector are fully compatible in your situation.
  23. Your log does not show that SkyMaxx Pro crashed.
  24. @Swiss001 & @metalmaniac666 Let me be real clear with both of you. I cannot stand people who act like idiots. Both of you are being childish ones in this moment, and I suggest you quickly change your attitude. I will absolutely not tolerate it. Period. If you have apparently done your research, then why didn't you find the answer? It's not a common thing. Most people "get it". What is common with the posts (not X-Aviation's error) is people trying to run outdated installers and they are told to re-download. You probably should have too. Wrong. Wrong. Now this one really gets me. True idiot at its best form. I'm sorry. I have ZERO sympathy for you right now. Here's why... 1. You lied in your support ticket that you just purchased the product and it's not working. You are now demanding a refund. The truth? You bought it in 2018. That's hardly "just" purchased. Re-download the installer and be smart about it. From 2018 to now is very outdated. 2. Our website contact page is very clear in our reply times, yet you have come on here and said the above that I just quoted (by the way, use the bad language again and be forever banned). How long ago did you write your TWO support tickets? Don't worry....I'll answer that for you. 1 AND 2 hours ago. You didn't post here for that reason. You came to b*&ch instead. Get over yourself and stop posting falsehoods. We're done here. Stop being lazy, go download the latest version of the installer, stop acting like an a$$, and move on like an adult. Lord have mercy.
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