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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. As per the announcement with the new download policy (RealScenery does not use activation), they are excluded from the latest announcements.
  2. Captains, A few weeks ago we announced that downloads were no longer going to expire, and that you would have unlimited downloads for life. That was the first pain point we wanted to rid for you, and so far the reception to it has been fantastic. Today, we'd like to announce the second pain point we are ridding of! Starting later today, you will now be able to self-manage your licenses and be able to authorize and de-authorize your own machines without ever needing to contact us. We are effectively doing away with the "All license slots used" message which required you to contact us for support. This system has been in the works for the better half of the last year, and has taken a ton of work to implement. That said we feel the effort was worth it, and that you'll find it much more customer friendly. Rather than make you read all about it, we have compiled a video to discuss what this is all about. You can find out more by watching below! We really hope you enjoy what you see! As usual, we thank you for your past patronage, and we're looking forward to serving you more in the future! Blue Skies!
  3. Captains, Beginning tomorrow you'll be able to enjoy SkyMaxx Pro v4.5! This is a pretty nice update we're excited to get out to you, and we're hoping you enjoy it as much as we do! Of things to note, you can expect the following: Procedural sky box (based on the Hosek model) to accurately simulate sky colors for any time, place, and weather Improved blending of distant clouds into the sky Cloud draw distance increased by 20% Stutters with high cloud draw area settings reduced More realistic and distinctive representation of “HD cloud puffs” stratiform clouds More variety of cloud shapes and positions New, much-improved cloud textures for “crisp” and “soft” cumulus clouds Added glare effect surrounding the sun Our own ephemeris model, for accurate placement of the sun, moon, stars, and planets at night Accurate moon phases and orientation of the moon Various bug fixes and graphical polish By replacing X-Plane’s skies with our own, it enables us to make the lighting on our clouds more consistent with the skies you see behind them. The screenshots below show what you can expect. This results in better blending and color continuity, which makes the clouds seem much more natural and realistic. This is a big upgrade to SkyMaxx Pro, and will be offered free of charge to existing SkyMaxx Pro 4 customers running X-Plane 10 or X-Plane 11. A few images to show what this update will look like. It's especially gorgeous in X-Plane 11! We'll see you in the 4.5 skies this weekend!
  4. These are artifacts that should be removed in the upcoming update.
  5. I started my post explaining exactly what it was. You're grasping for straws at this point. Your definition of volumetric from a game development standpoint is inaccurate. You continue to fight this. The clouds in default X-Plane, by proper and technical definition, are not volumetric, and they are not 3D. Even the effect of entering a cloud in default X-Plane is achieved by rotating the billboard toward the plane at a rapid rate. I think it's evident with your lack of understanding that this thread is going to continue going nowhere. It's okay to dislike the product. I'm sorry if you do. There will never be a release of RWC without SkyMaxx Pro. There is also no need for such considering how insanely well SkyMaxx Pro sells. End of story!
  6. Volumetric is the measurement of volume for how many puffs are applied to a cloud. SkyMaxx Pro dynamically creates clouds based on puffs (unlike X-Plane, which uses 2D billboarding). Our clouds are truly volumetric and each one unique in it's own way. This is a horrible description of what volumetric is, and is not accurate at all. X-Plane's strobe light effect has nothing to do with the volume of a cloud, let alone a wing disappearing into one (if it ever did). No. Stay tuned for what's to come.
  7. Utilize the SkyMaxx Pro menu to change your cloud types (crisp, fast, etc). This product is much more than "bitmap images for clouds" and that logic is precisely why you can't understand it.
  8. Congrats on this achievement, sir! Well done!
  9. You need to re-download and install SkyMaxx Pro.
  10. Sir, what you're doing is piracy. We do not accept or tolerate it.
  11. You know...a customer complaining no one is communicating is a rather useless statement if the customer is not making an effort to read what has already been communicated many times. There's plenty of information posted, and very recently. This topic is done.
  12. The issue there is it was so rampant. I cannot tell you how many times I would get reset requests from other customers and your name kept popping up in the pool of sharers for activations. Literally the worst I have seen. Every time I looked at it I just shook my head. Typically "amnesty" is provided should someone make right the wrong with purchasing the software for their friends or in the amount it was shared. It's just SO much that under your situation it would take me a very long time to go through it. I'm not really all for public shaming the piracy stuff, but I really did cringe every time I saw your account pop up.
  13. Sir, the piracy affiliated (of which you're fully aware) to you and the people you share with is OFF THE CHARTS. Do not expect change for your account.
  14. Captains, It's crazy to think X-Aviation has been in business for 10 years already, but that's the reality and time really does fly! When we first launched X-Aviation it was somewhat during the "pioneering" time of payware add-ons for X-Plane. At that time, one of the only ways to combat piracy or keep overhead costs for server bandwidth down as an e-commerce shop was to restrict download attempts. So, when we launched X-Aviation we naturally had this built into the store and it has remained a part of the system from the get-go. We have always maintained a process of allowing our customers to click the 'Request Reset' button once the download expired to get your links refreshed, but this has understandably been less than ideal for our customers and even for us from a support load standpoint. We live in a content-driven world now, and bandwidth has become cheaper compared to 10 years ago. More importantly, we understand the sense of instant gratification the Internet brings, so having to request a reset for a download can be a real pain. It means you need to wait for one of our staff to manually verify the link and have it reset, sometimes taking a few days for that link to be refreshed. With the above said, we have coded up a new download system for our store. Effective immediately, all aircraft and object based scenery downloads will be unlimited and without an expiry date. This policy affects all of your purchases, new and old. We have dedicated many resources to various aspects of our products and store, but this is one area we neglected to bring up to speed until now. It's not earth-shattering news, but it should be very welcome news to you, and we sincerely hope it removes a pain point for you and your desire to have a seamless flight simulation adventure using our products. Thank you for your past patronage, and we're looking forward to serving you more in the future! Blue Skies!
  15. Hello, all,This will serve as a formal forum announcement that we have released the version 1.1 update for the BAe Jetstream 32. All customers who have purchased the BAe Jetstream 32 up till now have been sent an e-mail by X-Aviation with complete installation instructions on how to update your product. We have made this a very simple process! For those that purchase the BAe Jetstream 32 from today forward, your purchased download will already be updated to version 1.1 for you.What if I didn't get the update e-mail?If you did not receive your update e-mail don't fret! X-Aviation has updated our system to allow all customers to update with ease, regardless of whether you received an e-mail for the update! Here's what to do:1. Login to your X-Aviation account here: https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/login.php2. View your past order history invoice that contains the BAe Jetstream 32 purchase on it.3. At the bottom of the invoice you will find a red highlighted link to your update that says: "BAe Jetstream 32".The new installer will detect whether this is a new install, or if you already have any BAe Jetstream 32 version installed. Depending on your current situation, the installer will run through the appropriate paths with you, including uninstalling all unnecessary items from the previous version!Your liveries/downloaded paints will be safe in this process!There are some important fixes and requests implemented in this update.The following is a list of additions/fixes included: Added a Cursor spot click area in the default GPS430. Added new default GPS430 compatibility Corrected a weak illumination of some indicators in daylight. Added compatibility with RealityXP GTN650 and GTN750. Read the file 'Readme if you Own RealityXP GTNs.txt' in the main folder of the plane to further instructions. Added Wheel manipulator to some areas. Added compatibility with X-Plane11, with new shaders and options inside the plane. As always, thanks for being a customer with X-Aviation. We appreciate your feedback and support!Enjoy these latest updates, and stay tuned to the forum as we continually announce the latest happenings.
  16. What appears easy is not always so. Ground drifting is an exact example of such a thing. This was a six year long project pre release. I don't buy the "handing over a silver platter" argument. For those of you having trouble understanding or refusing to read this topic throughly: The 737 is not officially supported by IXEG in X-Plane 11. You use it there at your own risk, with no support or expectation of it working correctly. Some people have got it working in X-Plane 11 to their satisfaction, others do not. We do not advertise X-Plane 11 compatibility and if you only choose to use it in 11 we are not encouraging your purchase. The upcoming 1.1 patch will have (as Jan has previously put it) "ninja fixes" which will allow for basic working compatibility in X-Plane 11. This means things like drift MAY be solved, but the solution would be a hack rather than accurate until you find IXEG officially announcing XP 11 support. The reason for things like this is because the 737 uses custom ground handling modeling to compensate for X-Plane's lacking quality there. Austin has fussed with this code in 11, and the drift is a direct result of that. Flight model inaccuracies are likely present in 11 as well for the 737. So, all that said, 1.1 will likely get you working in 11 without hassle, but from a technical accuracy standpoint version 10 is where you'll want to be if that's important to you. There's been far too much complaining and mincing of words in this topic. People seem to be getting lost from the official word vs what they are hearing or thinking, so this topic ends here. What I have written above is the official stance.
  17. Not only does the product page explicitly state X-Plane 10, but it also states no X-Plane 11 compatibility. The installer also explicitly states for X-Plane 10 64-bit ONLY during install.
  18. Yes, Gizmo has a built in DRM. X-Aviation will not officially be supporting Linux. If Ben comes out with Linux that will be completely at your own risk. I don't really follow your second question.
  19. We do not sell any products that use SASL. Gizmo is in use in practically all products. Sorry, but the "problem" is not as big as you're attempting to make it. Our policy is clear that activated products cannot be refunded. If you're on Linux then there's no way you can activate the product in sim. You'll be refunded. The Linux market is not a money making market. We can be honest about that.
  20. Because Laminar has a policy that if something worked before but stopped after, they need to know. So, yes, file a bug.
  21. If you want clear honesty? I process 2, maybe 3 refunds for this kind of issue each year. The Linux market is just too dang small.
  22. We have always offered refunds to those affected by this.
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