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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. The problem is that you have two accounts with us. One is a ******@me.com and the other is ******@blueyonder.co.uk. We only allow you to have one account. Which one would you like to keep so I can merge your orders into one and tidy this up for you?
  2. Windows Defender is precisely what we address in these forums and is what's causing your issue. You need to make an exclusion as outlined in the sticky post.
  3. With all due respect, what you carry over from some previous job does not directly apply to any type of integration in what we do. Furthermore, the explanation as to why the installer takes more time in this instance goes beyond the installer itself as explained. You asked if your suggestion would solve the problem. It does not, plain and simple (and shows exactly that you do NOT understand the situation at hand since you made such a suggestion).
  4. Our goal with SkyMaxx Pro will definitely be to get it working in VR at some point. I do have an Oculus here in the office, but we have a couple of things to clear off our plate before we investigate this topic further. We'll definitely post more information on it as we start to examine what's going on and what we can do for VR users!
  5. But it doesn't, and you're getting something for free. Can't be too nitpicky all the time.
  6. This is a very short-sighted post from you to technical things you as a customer do not think about. Just because a company (like Install Anywhere) makes installer compiling software does not mean that the software it compiles writes itself. We already use a multiplatform compiler similar to the one you have suggested. It still needs to be told what to do and how to interact with your server. So, the quick and dirty answer to your question is "No."
  7. FMOD: Yes and no. No in that it doesn't use FMOD. Yes in that it has its own 3D sound engine that does the same thing as FMOD prior to FMOD actually being used in X-Plane. When the switch to FMOD comes, I would not anticipate much difference in how you hear the sounds since the two sound engines essentially are equal. PBR: Yes, the 737 has PBR. The core team consists of four. It becomes six if you add in contributions from Ben and myself.
  8. We aren't prepared to announce that just yet.
  9. Which VR set are you using? This certainly looks and sounds like it would be a fun experience! I was very impressed by the native VR Laminar came up with when it was on demo at FS Con.
  10. It's not so much that the installers in general are a nightmare, but the backstory is that the Saab installer was originally coded in 2013 and at the time was our most advanced installer code to leverage some attempted load balancing on the server, as well as keeping track of file differences and updates. At the time it seemed like a great idea, but in reality it was a terrible idea that I didn't see coming as time progressed. Keeping track of all these variants and the file updates between them, as well as the many gigabytes of data became tedious in the way the installer is coded, and it caused headaches not only for distribution, but also for people like Goran when we would discover some files were not properly updated between variants at update release times. Over the years new installer formats have been developed because of this. Products like IXEG, the MU-2, and pretty much any other recent release contains the more up-to-date installer routines. The Saab needs some love to move to this system so we can future proof release delays going forward on it. At the moment it's not top priority over a couple of other projects that are first in line, but as soon as those are out of the way the focus will switch to this and bringing it all up to speed. We need to leverage our time spent on projects appropriately to balance business cash flow for all involved. We'll get there, just not yet.
  11. Create a coroute folder in the main aircraft folder for IXEG.
  12. As per the refund terms on X-Aviation: Please be aware that due to the nature of downloads being intangible goods, we do not offer refunds for any reason. You waive the right to a refund as soon as you process and download your order.
  13. Yes, we know, and that was a conscious decision. We do not hold a Boeing license, and we are not out to get into wars with them on name use issues. From a legal perspective, with the title of the product as is, we are free and clear of infringement. Most simmers like yourself will know immediately when viewing screenshots what variant this is. Not a knock on you, but I'm giving you the back story on why we made this decision. It has not proven to be a problem for us, as the aircraft is pretty widely talked about in the XP community.
  14. Hey there, Might be best to manually delete the Saab aircraft folder, as well as the uninstall file in X-Plane/X-Aviation and then re-do the installer fresh again. It sounds like some old scripts are for some reason getting left behind. Can you do this and report back?
  15. Install it and activate it as normal.
  16. Windows Defender/Anti Virus apps, not the firewall itself.
  17. No. The purchase is locked to your activated machine and account, and the activation server will recognize any attempts to "sell" this to someone very quickly, resulting in terminated/suspended accounts. Considering trying again when you get the time, or re-installing when you do some computer upgrades down the line.
  18. Uh, this project is not in limbo. It is neither forgotten, nor ignored. I'm not even sure how you surmised that out of Jan's response. He literally emphasized the words "are planning", and only said that right now someone important is sidetracked temporarily. We're not talking years here. This whole unfinished product thing is really starting to get blown out of proportion. We're being real with you guys, so be real in your assessments and not cause unnecessary drama out of it, please.
  19. None of what you have just said is factual. There has been as consistent of sales volume daily now as there was pre-zibo. X-Plane sales do not work in a manner like you're suggesting. No one on the team has moved to any other projects (people have asked if IXEG will develop something else, the answer has always been "not till the Classic is finished"). This is a highly speculative statement from you with zero substance. This would lose money and it shows your lack of understanding for this market. You've got it very wrong, but we appreciate your thoughts.
  20. The saddest part about a comment like this is that it's shortsighted in the overall picture. I'm personally confident you would find this particular portion negligible to your whole experience on the aircraft, and once loaded up and flying, after seeing and feeling the immersion you get, this hesitation would be quickly realized it was all for not. There's a reason people are saying it's the best. Of course, if you want to neglect why people say that even still, then I have to respectfully accept your position. I just know you're missing out on an awesome experience as a whole, and for that, I'm sad you're letting it get in the way of some amazing enjoyment! All the Best!
  21. Most flights with an airliner in controlled airspace in the real world are not going to use VNAV for descent. The controllers will typically tell you to do things rather than the computer automatically follow. Jan will even tell you as a real world captain that VNAV in his flights isn't something they typically do. More like black magic than a for certain button. You're really missing out on something special if you decide not to purchase, but everyone has their "needs". I think the responses in this topic alone show you how much people love it.
  22. It would not be cosmetic only. That is not how this team operates. We are not about to extort money out of people. Everyone has paid enough, and we appreciate their business. We agree, and that's why work still continues on it.
  23. Has it occurred to you that not everyone lives by a big city, and some are not even close enough for a reasonable drive? Ben already used that feature on the website. It directed him to an entirely different country as the closest option.
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