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Everything posted by TimeTraveler

  1. BEWARE!!! The Ides of March + 1 week! (March 22nd would be the final day to take advantage of the 50% price reduction for SkyMaxx v5 for all current owners of SkyMaxx v4)<----SUPER! WoW...sounds and looks fantastic Cameron! Nice to come back to X-Plane/X-Aviation after a half year mostly off (under doctors care unfortunately) and running into a new iteration of Skymaxx. Looking forward to this. Looks like excellent work
  2. Hi Cameron, if you need a tester, I’m all hands on deck! I love flying the TBM when I can and can help with beta for Win10 at least! Having said that, I filed for customer service support the beginning of December and waited the three days you promise to answer. I waited a week and still no answer so I filed another mentioning that file number along with my original conundrum. Well, it’s been yet another week and still no answer (besides the Immediate auto answer promising three days). Would you be kind enough to help me out here. I’ve bought a lot of ac, plugins, etc so it’s not like I’m a fly by night customer. Thanks a bunch and hope your holiday season is smooth flying!
  3. Excellent update! The mixture of cloud types and shapes at every level looks amazing. Lots Less “RolleyPolleys” too (cloud rotation with head movement). This time I’ve used it with ASXP tho I’m not sure if there’s a difference between it and FSGRW. I’ll just switch here and there and enjoy both [emoji6] Nevertheless, ASXP seems to work well with SMP. Thanks for your commitment and work on SMP! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I’m sure I’ve seen those clouds while flying in rl. Or pretty much close to it
  5. Yes, thank you! All is working terrific. Even in VR. That FSGRW sure is an excellent addon for SMP.
  6. For some strange reason, even the pdf says this is only a p3d version of the software. Nevertheless, I just did not check it, left it blank and moved on and the installation then took place. Just registered too! When I get the chance, I'll see if it runs on x-plane 11- Cheers and thanks again!
  7. Hi Sundog...I just purchased FSGRW and tried to install. I stopped at the point when asked what sim I wanted to install FSUIPC in and the ONLY answer listed was P3dv4. Is this a mistake or do I just download it anyway? Thanks in advance for your help
  8. Looks like I was the culprit ! After re-install, I went to joystick settings and, there it was. A warning I hadn't configured my controllers, tho they were configured in a previous flight. Somehow, after the last update, unbeknownst to me,those settings were changed by X-Plane. So, I just put in a generic profile for now until I get the jist of setting up the controller profiles. Nevertheless, great flight and very happy..again, flying your ac! Thanks for your help..again! Cheers Luigi PS..what settings are you using in the tray tool, if you're using that of course ? I started with 1.6 and lowered it to 1.4 and that seems to be the sweet spot for my system
  9. OK, I'll do that. Also, maybe a re-install may help. I noticed the license re-up was weird this time around. It told me it was not valid, but did have a window to revalidate. So, I did and the window told me all is well. BUT, that one window below the revalidate had me worried..never saw that anytime. so, report to laminar after next start..Thanks Lijan. Appreciate your on the spot help (sorry I was late!)
  10. Hi Litjan, Been having some excellent flights in x-plane's vr with the rift. This last release (Feb 26), v4 has a small problem with the handsets/touch controllers. (a new fix for the vive headset, v5 was released today, but I am going to wait for v6 or 7 by tomorrow since they say they will skip 6 for some unknown reason!) The touch controllers are visible, but do nothing. I loaded another ac and there was no problem, they worked fine so this may be indigenous to IXEG. If you need some logs or whatever, let me know and I'll load er up, then attach here. fyi, despite having no touch controllers, I was loaded up in the plots seat perfectly, so I took it fro a spin around the ap. I just love flying your ac! One of few that are worth their salt Thanks for everything! EDIT.............decided to update to 5..what've I got to lose, eh? I'll see if there is a diff EDIT 2........no dif...still not working in v5
  11. ok, no problem...and thanks for getting back so quickly!! ciao
  12. H all....I just upgraded my system mobo and cpu (CoffeLake) and up to Windows 10 pro. Everything runs great after lots of 'tuning' but once I use VR, SMP has a major bug. All the clouds move with my head and don't stay where they should! I don't remember that at all in my former setup..so, it's either an xplane bug or something to do with my new setup. Any help is well appreciated..I do miss using SMP!!!! Attached is my log.tx Thanks in advance. (Love your products!) Log.txt
  13. Well...seems like what I wanted to say has been said already! So without any further ado, your scenery looks Smashing! And I love ❤️ the Easter Egg statement that there are many ! Since I fly mainly the tubes, your scenery will be perfect to practice in a little Cessna or Mooney once again while enjoying your beautiful work! Thank you for that too!
  14. Well, I was still getting blocked out windows, so I merely took my copy from my dedicated xplane 1105 and put it in the xplane beta and it's now good to go, back to normal. I wonder if the initial dl on that particular drive was not complete, or sumptin..anyway, back to great flying. Thanks Litjan!!!
  15. gonna check in a bit..updating my nvidia driver to the latest one from the 9oct, then fire up xplane again! cheers, Luig
  16. Worked fine for me...except my brow windows were not see thru in b1! Gonna check on the 11.10b2 now
  17. Hi Litjan, not sure if anyone noticed or has it been posted already, but he brow windows were not clear in the new beta 11:10b1...not sure about 11 10b2
  18. Great! I’ve already fixed up my beta drive to be ready for it (Plus Tapatalk fixed their problem as it seems-I hope). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Edit: oops! It’s the X-Plane forum that is messed up on Tapatalk. Not this one.
  19. ***Excellent*** [emoji106] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Try reinstalling the ac itself (then fly it without updating first) Just a thought. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. SMP Numero Uno ☝️ The latest update of SkyMaxx is a Giant Leap - especially in the immersion department. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Just back from my holiday this weekend and FIRST thing I did...Install SMP update. Again, I applaud you guys (and gals) efforts for a real amazing product. The clouds look better than ever and my frames, well, a bit better throughout but having some post card effects here and there, but I think it may be some of the ortho scenery I have installed. I'll experiment here and there, but still, in the end, this is a great product...and thanks to you all for hanging in there to address issues and do some fantastic upgrades/updates/additions. SMP really adds a dimension that puts you in the pilots seat! (hows that for a sales pitch lol, but I do really mean this..bigtime!)
  23. Can't wait to get back from my road trip and install. Sounds great! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Flick on BOTH FD switches. One time I forgot and had the same problem, only to realize I didn't flick on the Flight Directors. Hope that helps
  25. Excellent! (with one tiny exception). Flight from LFMN to LEBL, FL330..everything, and I mean everything went perfectly well (and I'm maxxxed out in graphics in xp11, save for reflections). I missed the ILS (my fault), but perfect landing (25L) in foggy conditions. The "one tiny exception": When I went to replay, the custom animations did not play out, i.e.; outside engine/inside reverse thrust and lever, flap handle and outside speed brakes/speed brake handle, despite having custom animations set to on in the preferences. The only plug-ins I have are FWL with one script running (XPRealistic), x-camera, SMP4.x (Silver Lining), RWconnector, python (NOAA), xgoflight, sea traffic, Chase view Deluxe, AutoGate, AIR Plugin and HSAIR (btw, Haversine AirTrack DID work). Next to that, a Beautiful Flying Machine, GREAT Update... indeed! Love flying this bird Thanks for your work, people! PS..was not using the Rift
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