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x-plane 123

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Everything posted by x-plane 123

  1. I've been looking forward to this ever since I Steaven's announcement a few years ago. It will definitely be one of the nicest sceneries X-Plane has seen. In that case I'd love to see something like this for the Southwest. Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, etc have a ton of small to medium sized airports located in the middle of stunning scenery.
  2. Progress! Looks great! I hope parenthood is treating you well.
  3. Thanks for the update Javier.
  4. Great news! Hopefully work will go smoothly and we'll be flying here next year.
  5. Congratulations! The aircraft looks great as well, but take as much time as you need! It's much more important to be spending time with your wife and daughter.
  6. Any update?
  7. Wow Juan, looks great!
  8. I think I saw somewhere that it was from Facebook. Maybe Javier Rollon making a comeback
  9. Any chance you'll share it when you're finished? It's one of the best looking skies I've seen in X-plane.
  10. Beautiful Steve! This will set a new bar for XP scenery! Have you made any progress on DTW recently? It'll be my first stop on my RTW flight, so I'm looking forward to it.
  11. @mb339 Amazing shot! What sky colors are you using?
  12. Only 2 hours away... but I have to be up early tomorrow, so everybody who gets it tonight, enjoy! Now... who will be the first to purchase her?
  13. Yeesssssssss! I can't believe I'm finally reading this!!! Congratulations on getting here and I know I'll be picking her up on Saturday!
  14. Colin, thank you for all you have done on bringing Hawaii to life! The reefs are probably the best I've seen in X-Plane! The mesh looks fantastic! And now seasons! I'll definitely be donating when I get a chance. Regarding Haui's suggestion of promoting your scenery, maybe you could post on Avsim or try to get an interview with someone such as flightsim.com? Anyways, best of luck with university. Enjoy Spain. And keep on doing what you're doing with Hawaii. Thanks again, Jon
  15. The water is stunning! Keep up the great work!
  16. That's great to hear! There's an idea for a few extra bucks: The Jan expansion pack- 15 versions of Jan, varying in age, hair, etc
  17. It's great to hear you're making progress! Enjoy you're break
  18. Greats shots! Is that the PacSim RCTP? If so, how did it convert?
  19. I can't wait to fly her (but I guess I'll have to)! Is their any chance that their will be an option to show/hide the GPS?
  20. I'm outside of DC and we must have almost 2 feet now. But being from Chicago, I'm used to this. I wish. My simming computer has been acting up, so I've been working on that instead of flying. Stay warm and lets hope we don't lose power.
  21. I'm speechless. It's absolutely stunning!
  22. Looking great Colin!
  23. Looks great!
  24. They're a feature of the plane.
  25. Looking forward to hearing more news! I'm very excited for this.
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