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Everything posted by sizziano

  1. I would have to agree with @cod360 and say that a price of 75-100 is more realistic. I can easily see this being 90+.
  2. Only thing I can really critique is that CX PSU. Not the best quality for an enthusiast build like this.
  3. Really nice. How is this effect achieved? Is it realistic and dynamic or is it just x number of conditions are met so play the animation?
  4. IXEG seems to disagree. If we are also simulating the tedium of the input system of a 733 then using a mouse is a poor substitute as it makes it even more annoying than it is already. Remote CDU would be the best solution but that's not in v1. This will be implemented in the future I'm sure so no reason to discuss this really. I don't see any reason not to include completely optional ease of use features. Some sort of artistic integrity? I think it's worth adding it and I'm not alone but I will not continue derailing this thread.
  5. So then you're against mouse wheel support then?
  6. So? No one is forcing you to use it.
  7. Winglex IMHO should never be a priority. There are other features that could be added that would be better than wing fkex.
  8. If AMD had better OpenGL drivers the 390 would be the obvious choice. it is for everything else.
  9. WOW! Well TIL.
  10. Not sure but that seems like a pretty nice setup. How much VRAM because you definitely don't have 8GB.
  11. Ouch that's going to be a problem I think.
  12. Meh not particularly but it's not horrible either. You should be able to run the 733 as long as you turn some things down.
  13. Getting more RAM won't really help unless you are already limited by your current amount though it won't hurt. VRAM and RAM are completely different and the amount of VRAM that you have is what really matters for XP. So in short more RAM may help performance with XP but probably not by much. What are your system specs?
  14. Ok if you turn some other stuff down. How much VRAM do you have?
  15. I believe it will be compatible with Win 7-10 64-bit. I would be surprised if it wasn't compatible with 7. Requirements will most likely be revealed when release is imminent.
  16. Judging by other XA products no.
  17. That will do it haha
  18. I believe they have their own format but it's inthe custom data folder and not in the acf folder anymore? Philipp developed both 757 and 777 FMS as well as the 430 so that probably has something to do with it.
  19. They do read from the custom data folder.
  20. What was it? It can help others.
  21. My understanding is that the FMS is the last "big" thing to be finished. Anyways I feel that the 733 on release will be better than the current versions of many other XP aircraft anyways
  22. Look at you FPS timer in XP and under GPU and CPU times which is bigger? Does this happen with any plane at any location? Your log would help.
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