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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/18/2024 in all areas

  1. I understand this - and I also like to have "development updates" on the games I play, stuff that the devs work on, plans for the future, just some chatter to read and follow along with. But we at IXEG are now just a small 2 person team with "real" jobs and families and shifting life priorities. We already talked a bit about what we could envision in the future... right now there is nothing to talk about. Tom is working slowly on converting the sounds to FMOD (which will not make them sound different at all) and we are still planning to fix some stuff like the VNAV and HOLDs, but a timeline can not be given and doing so would just not be reputable. For me the IXEG 737 project at this point is purely a labor of love. The income I get is negligible and my motivation is purely from my love for the aircraft and the good vibes and emotions I get when interacting with the users. If you want to see the 737 get developed further in the future, don´t take that motivation away. Posts like yours are a good way to kill that motivation. So as harsh as that may sound: There is nothing to talk about right now and we are also not some YouTube or Instagram channel who needs to post new content every day to keep his followers engaged.
    4 points
  2. Hello all not sure anyone will be interested in this be see attached images of the avionics bay of a 605. I work on these in real life & was changing out a nav receiver and snapped some pictures.
    1 point
  3. The forums are quiet I think because everyone is just flying the plane. It works well, except for the VNAV, which we readily admit. Your other problems are most likely a matter of preference, and - sorry to be so frank - your inability to fly a 737-300 correctly. It is NOT doing "what it wants" and it is also not hard to control the speed - you are likely just a bad pilot . I have flown the real 737-300 for 10 years and this one flies exactly like the real one does. Yes, you need to plan ahead, just like when flying any high performance aircraft. We haven´t updated the plane in the last 9 months because it works fine and if you think a product is better because it gets more updates...well, maybe it just NEEDS more updates? How many factory recalls does a well-made car have per year?
    1 point
  4. DO NOT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!! LANDING NOT POSSIBLE. THROTTLES DON'T WORK AFTER LANDING. PLANE KEEPS ON SPEEDING UP AFTER RELEASING REVERSE THRUST. WHY ON EARTH DO THEY PUT OUT UNFINISHED PRODUCTS!! THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A FREE UPGRADE. It wasn't. I got the code, but it didn't give me THE UPGRADE FOR FREE, AS PROMISED. It took from me 14,95, which would've been the normal upgrade price. Stop cheating people and finish the product before you sell it. Never going to buy anything from you again!!
    -1 points
  5. I can't help the dissapointed. There is a quite well known phrase, "Disappointment is the difference between expectations and reality". We have tried to be as forthcoming as possible with setting expectations by telling folks it will take the majority of this year getting converted to FMOD and improving the FMS....but beyond that, there are also very big changes necessary 'under the hood'....big and time-consuming. Folks think that its always 'evolution'....just incremental work, but with tech, eventually the patches get too heavy. There is a very major overhaul of the "black box" bits to ensure future compatibility and the IXEG's continued existence....a rewriting of nearly 70,000 lines of code in a new language (that took 3 years to write originally) , stuff you won't see but I have to do to keep the IXEG compatible for the future. Guess what...its going to be silent for even longer while I work on the FMOD and code refactoring / FMS. Settle in...enjoy some other wonderful products for X-Plane, but know that it is not abandonware....and we won't be charging for updates for years to come probably. -tk
    -1 points
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