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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2023 in all areas

  1. Lately, I've changed my perspective regarding addon developers (aircraft, scenery, etc.). Today, unlike before, I realize it's not possible to sustain oneself solely on the financial returns generated by this work, due to various factors, one of them being the fact that flight simulation is a niche. There aren't many people engaged in this activity, and even fewer are willing to spend money on an addon, as many believe that upon acquiring the simulator, they should already have access to everything. In summary, I might be wrong, but I see development more as a paid hobby than a job that provides a constant income. That's why I don't think it's fair to question or pressure developers with inquiries like "When will it be ready?" or "It's taking too long...", especially when updates are free.
    2 points
  2. I REALLY don´t want this thread to devolve into the same old same old "my sim is better than your sim" discussion. We X-Plane people don´t care how many copies MSFS sells (maybe a little bit, the more the better since it introduces people to the flightsim genre that might try X-Plane as well later on), we only care about how many copies we sell and if those are enough to cover our cost and make us enough money to keep doing this. We could make a LOT more money coding some farm game where you can raise pigs or plant barley, but we like making airplanes better.
    2 points
  3. Hi, I am also having a tripple screen setup and I think this product hasn't been tested with multi-screen. The problem does definitely look to be there. Can you pls solve this compatibility issue?
    1 point
  4. Hello folks -- Same issue here, same assert failed regarding frame rate. My setup might be unusual - I run 3 projectors and I access the sim using VNC. I can reproduce it 100% of time. IXEG is unusable for me
    1 point
  5. Getting close to next patch. As Q8 mentioned, the Preflight menu was a "step back", but I still contend we had to take that step back to take some steps forward. So in the next patch, the following GUI will be avail on the PREFLIGHT tab. From this GUI, you'll be able to set the start state as usual (via the RESTART button + checkbox state). Also the quick "Plan fuel calculator" for quick fuel calcs is back. For loading fuel, you'll now use a "Aircraft fuel request" panel to add your fuel. You can hit the 'typical' button, which uses a common fuel config for most short hauls...or the "plan fuel" button, which takes its fuel amount from the "plan fuel calculator" ...or finally, you just move the sliders manually. Each of these actions constitutes a 'fuel request'. As fuel is requested, then you will see the amount requested below, along with the estimated time to refuel. If you have the "real time fueling" pref enabled, then this will be on the order of minutes normally, but if that preference is unchecked, then the estimated time will show only a few seconds. To actually add the fuel, you hit the 'start fueling' button. The 'meters' on the right show the requested fuel (red lines) as well as the actual fuel. The load sheet GUI is used to configure the weight and CG of the aircraft, by adding passengers and cargo and shifting the cargo around. I don't have passenger shifting atm, they're currently 'well balanced' throughout. You can drag a slider to add/remove passengers. There is also a "weight factor" slider, that defaults to one, which represents 'average weights" for humans / baggage"....BUT if you want to overload the plane, or simulate say, a plane full of Sumo wrestlers, then you can up this slider to add some extra "density" to the passenger cabin payload. There's a pulldown to view the cabin vs. cargo hold. When viewing the cargo hold, there'll be two sliders, one for "additional cargo", which is cargo not related to the passengers, which many airlines do carry...and there'll also be a "bias slider", where you can shift cargo between the front/rear holds to adjust the CG range and get the trim units value. Adjusting the cargo hold loading between front/rear is the preferred way to tweak the CG. Sorry we had to backtrack a bit before we could get this back in, but hope it helps maintain immersion by not having to go to the default XP menus for fuel and payload. Down below is what the cargo sliders look like (more or less...this was a few days back and there's been some slight improvements since then) -tk cargo_slider.mp4
    1 point
  6. As a short feedback: I'm having the same issue. Outer marker sounds weird: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCHIAGvIPIQ&ab_channel=Stephan Middle marker is the same: https://youtu.be/7aHwjrNFZ9I?si=70xStIHsz8Q3I27K&t=115 Stick shaker and power switching ding just as with Deceiver mentioned above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEF8OVnuxwg&ab_channel=Stephan Additionally when in external view I frequently get a crash of the "sound engine". Only ambient sounds remain (even though switched off in the sim's sound menu). No warning (e.g. fire warn test) or engine sounds are audible in internal and external view when this happens. I have to restart the sim to regain the sound. Attached a video example with time stamp. No replay or sim rate change used. Just switching between the views via Shift + 1, Shift + 2, etc.: https://youtu.be/HYrivwctN7o?si=8QqeY3MmKD2v7_gu&t=82 Since I'm having lots of sound issues with the inibuild A300 as well (which runs with an older FMOD engine than XP12 if I understood their corresponding support post correctly) I'm guessing this is a sim problem. Hopefully somebody finds the cause of this sooner than later as this is really annoying after having XP12 out of beta and on the market for more than a year now. Sound sets are so good but frequently crash in XP12. Godspeed and happy landings! Stephan
    1 point
  7. Next - first real flight one - video is up:
    1 point
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