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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2023 in all areas

  1. I absolutely understand the anticipation you must be feeling as you wait for this release! It's a thrilling time for all of us, and I can assure you that our team is diligently working away to bring it to you. We're following the latest update from Tom just last week, so everything is still on track. Please keep an eye on our announcements, and we'll make sure to keep you informed as soon as there's news to share. Your patience and excitement mean a lot to us, and we're eager to deliver something fantastic for you!
    2 points
  2. Indeed, while Coop has identified the root cause of the bug, it’s important to note that pinpointing the issue and implementing a fix are two distinct steps. Additionally, the complexity of the solution can vary, and implementing the change might require thorough testing to ensure it doesn’t introduce new issues. Furthermore, the upcoming update will encompass more than just this single fix, so it’s a collective effort that requires some time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
    1 point
  3. From some crosswind situation Challenger videos, it appears they are not significantly banking left and right particularly on takeoff. So either I just still suck at keeping wings level in such conditions, or the real Challenger‘s behavior is more stable.
    1 point
  4. that's kinda correct Frank... though 'sometime later' is actually to begin asap after the bug-fix phase following release. The term "major lift" is probably somewhat relative to each individual though. This is more evolution than revolution. The plan is to prioritize the FMS/VNAV improvements first, then in parallel as able, swap the sounds over to FMOD and begin a new 3D exterior model. So for folks who spend 95% of their time enjoying the cockpit and don't care about the rest much....then elements of a "major lift" may not seem so major. For folks who live for VNAV descents, then they may see the VNAV work as a major lift etc. Either/or, the plan is to continue on those elements listed above after release for sure and we'll evaluate other features along the way. -tk
    1 point
  5. I see. So the overlay is supposed to show up at the right time. Thanks. I shall look closer at this. You guys have thought of everything
    1 point
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