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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2023 in all areas

  1. As far as I can tell, yes, free update for customers who purchased the IXEG 737 on or after February 7th, 2022. For customers having purchased the IXEG 737 on or before February 6th, 2022, the upgrade will be a paid upgrade of $14.95 USD.
    2 points
  2. Not sure if I've missed something but if I use the noise cancelling headphones it mutes all sounds including ATC, I cannot hear them or myself replying. I've tried adjusting the noise cancellation but it just turns everything up or down. It would be good to be able to separate the background from the voice. Using the latest Xplane 12 update (2.0) Thanks
    1 point
  3. Hi guys, thanks for the update. Not sure whether this is accurate or not, but I appear to have excessive pitch-up when selecting Landing Flaps (from TO) - even the AP has difficulty correcting it. When hand flying, it takes significant forward yoke movement and then trim to correct it. It is also evident when transitioning from Clean to TO, but not as pronounced. Is this normal - I don't recall this much pitch-up in the XP11 version (I don't have XP11 any more)? Also there appears to be an extra flap position. After selecting 'flaps down 1 notch' from the UP position, the flap moves slightly and the flap indicator shows the flap indicator needle at the bottom of the upper-most flap position range marker. Another 'flaps down 1 notch' from that position then gives you the TO position. It's the same when moving the flaps back up from the Landing position to Clean. Is this correct? Thanks
    1 point
  4. This is conciously done this way and I don't think we'll be changing it. Your suggestion is essentially how it was done before, and maintaining four installers for various scenarios (BN2B, BN2T, G5, and G500) gets very complicated not only for us, but also the customer should they later want those options. I won't bore you with all the scenarios a customer could get "stuck" in with regards to all of this, but I'll leave it at the fact that this is a much cleaner solution to many problems. That said, you bring up a good point on not being able to discern which is which, so we should probably make that more obvious in the icons.
    1 point
  5. I only got the Hot Start Challenger very recently. Actually, this is what got me into X-Plane after all. And I have to say: this is by far the best aircraft simulation I've ever seen, and I've come a long way from the FS2004 days. I've not been flying anything else than the Challenger since I got it, and it seems it is going to stay that way. Every other simulation just pales in comparison. I've been waiting all my simmer life for a really good simulation of a heavier (i. e. super-midsize to large) business jet. And here it is! Too bad there are currently limitations by X-Plane itself (e. g. for weather radar or EVS), but I am sure the good people at Hot Start will get this done too as soon as X-Plane is up to it. I'm very excited about the future developments of the Hot Start Challenger!
    1 point
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