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  1. Aircraft for XP12 slowly start to appear here and there. Some developers who stay close to vanilla X-Plane features (i.e. aircraft purely built with PlaneMaker and not or hardly using plugins, e.g. VSKYLABS) are mostly done converting their fleet. Light turboprops are a bit thin at the moment - only Thranda's Caravan so far, no PC-12, no King Air - but HotStart is working on their TBM, and TOGA will port the Mu-2 v2 in the months to come. Not sure about any King Air, AFL might upgrade theirs, but no official communication as of yet. Aerobask is (mostly) done converting their fleet (all Diamonds, but also their experimental jets and the Phenom). Indeed it's a bit odd we see airliners of all sizes being ported, even the HS Challenger (maybe one of the most complex aircraft models ever built for XP, potentially any sim) has been ported, while there's hardly any GA (piston or light turboprop) available yet (Aerobask being the exception). Quite a few are in the pipeline - TS is working on their Cirrus aircraft and the Islander, and vFlyteAir has the Twin Comanche in beta test. JustFlight and Thranda both said that converting the JustFlight fleet would be the next big project of Thranda after having finished the Caravan (which has happened by now), so we might see some motion there as well. Also LES had announced the Sundowner would come "soon", but that was nearly 5 months ago. That being said, so far we have more announcements than aircraft converted and ready to fly in XP12, and also XP12 itself is anything but mature. There are still a couple of issues Laminar has to solve (and yes, they're aware and working on it). I's say it's no mistake to wait until the end of the year, if stability is your primary goal. XP12 is really cool, but it's still mostly for early adopters who like to (or at least don't mind to) tinker with their sim. Back to topic: I'm not biased about aircraft class and size, I love them all. While I have a thing for light turboprops (gimme a PC-12 in XP!), I mostly fly in XP12 these days, restricting me to aircraft available there. In the past week, I had a blast flying the Challenger from Shemya down to Fairmont in British Columbia, via Anchorage and Pasco, WA. I mostly fly in FSEconomy, so I just fly where the (virtual) jobs take me. And while the Challenger is a great aircraft, I can unfortunately only fly it on weekends - it's an intense aircraft, and performing a flight (including planning and preflight) takes its time - more than I can spare on normal work days throughout the week. On these I did a couple of milk runs with the Caravan, which is relatively quick to set up and get airborne. For the summer I'm eagerly waiting for the LES DC-3 - this will be my go-to aircraft for my California routes in FSEconomy, with KNUQ serving as my hub.
    2 points
  2. I did a more detailed evaluation of the Hot Start TBM900 MFD and PFD by comparing their performance to the Garmin Socata TBM Trainer software used to prepare pilots for the transition to the real aircraft. A copy of the observed anomalies is attached. 920258751_HotStartTBM900Evalution_v2.pdf
    1 point
  3. I need to make a correction on what I said before and I edited above post. flying through Merrill pass in Alaska was historic. The pioneer bush pilots used Merrill pass when visability was low. I consider myself a bush pilot in flight simulation. Love flying in Alaska. Not a place for the light hearted.
    1 point
  4. The upgrade cannot be billed. It has been many years since IXEG has received an update.
    1 point
  5. ...and for updating the 'last working XP11 version to similar behavior in XP12?....neither will we....we've said it many times and this is not in debate. It is a bit more of a process because XP12 has changed quite a bit with regards to engine and systems, which means we have to audit everything and surgicaly remove code that clashes with XP12 functionality...and we put in a LOT of customization. As far as a discussion of charging a fee relative to "when its finished"., too subjective......I have enough statistical evidence that says to me that a lot of folks have really enjoyed the 737 for a lot longer than the price of a 2 hour anniversary dinner...(for newlyweds anyhow). To those who would argue about 'unsimulated things', all I'm going to say is Pffff. I've been a software 'consumer' for over 40 years, and not casually, I make my living from using software, 100s of titles over the years....and this stuff is always evolving, always changing...LOTS of software is missing things. I use what I can, enjoy the good parts, don't buy what I don't like and everybody has the same choice here...we're not hiding anything. I could easily argue that a lot of products lack "immersion", realistic lighting....or decent sounds. The flight sim dev community isn't like it was. Its more saturated, the bar is higher and the detail we have to put in is a heck of a lot more than PMDG had to in its early days when it had a monopoly on the airliner market. So what would we charge for? ...I can't say, but its true we have no incentive to keep on working for free in perpetuity. Have you noticed how everything is moving to the subscription model? There's a reason for that...and guess what, I have at least 8 software subscriptions...every month/quarter....how would you guys like that? (hint, you wouldn't). If we charge for any update, its fair to say that it would have to justify the deliverable for a majority of customers (cause it'll never be all). Probably....thinking off the top of my head...., includes more variants, the FMS more complete, animated everything, more robust failure interactions, etc...stuff like that. AND it wouldn't be a full price upgrade either, I never like that idea. So...feel free to discuss as much as you like, but I just wanted to throw out some of my thoughts for folks who haven't gotten to know me over the years through other posts. TK
    -1 points
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