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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2023 in all areas

  1. Hello all. Those who have followed know that the IXEG 737 develoment has been stagnant for a long time while I've worked on my MU-2 project and stabilize it after the release. That stabilization phase is nearly done. XP12 is imminent and I'll be porting the MU2 to XP12 beginning next week...and it should not be terribly long (I hope). After that, the 733 will move back into rotation as the primary focus of development with the port to v12 being the first priority. The IXEG is minimally operable in V12, but that's all we can say. We obviously had to make it baseline flyable in order to test/develop it with all the XP12 changes, which have yet to be addressed. As such, our official position for those who wish to try the V11 IXEG in V12 is "VFR joyriding only". I expect we'll set up a 'volunteer forum' where folks can give feedback as to their V12 observations as its better to have more eyes on this stuff; however, we request that nobody report any shortcomings of the V11 733 in V12. We are keenly aware of a lot of things that have to be changed....so we'll want to wait until we believe we've caught all we can find before other folks chime in; otherwise we'll end up with a massive stack of the same reports. So, certainly keep XP11 around if you wish to fly the IXEG seriously until we get it ported over. I've always kept "old version / new versions" side by side on my computer for these transitions. Long-time XP users know that after a major release to X-Plane, there is an inevitable debug period that goes on for some time, though many other devs have begun already, we're behind. ....but nice to have the process underway.....Below screenshot shows what the cockpit looks like in V12 daytime. -TomK
    1 point
  2. Hello! Found this channel, he shows nice details about the Aircraft https://www.youtube.com/@askvictoryaj2083 Have Fun!
    1 point
  3. NEAREST APTS MIN RWY is applied to the NEAREST APTS subpage of DIRECT-TO and the magenta airports displayed on the MFD map when in MAP SYMBOLS > NEAREST APTS is enabled. The "APTS" function just shows all airports with any runways. Note in the screenshot below that the magenta airports are the "NEAREST APTS" (to which the runway length filter is applied). The blue ones are all the other ones ("APTS"). Why the XLF<whatever> airports have a runway defined, I cannot say, but according to the scenery data, they most definitely have one. In case of XLF000D, for example, there's a 986 ft runway defined. In short, working as intended, X-Plane says there's a runway there, so we show it.
    1 point
  4. After being trapped in FS9 and FSX for many years, I found x-plane 11. Awesome Flight simulator. Default scenery, Aircraft, World Editor are the Best I have ever seen. X-plane ROCKS! Rick
    1 point
  5. Thank-you Cameron, 2019 I bought x-plane 11 and never looked back. Now I need a new computer, so I can turn up the graphics and see what x-plane 11 really looks like. x-plane12 is off to a slow start, I will wait a year or two before I buy. Third party developers are not jumping on x-plane 12 like they did x-plane 11.
    1 point
  6. Please for god's sake make it a paid upgrade, if only to get you guys to be more financially motivated in your work. The IXEG has been languishing for years, and I've seen addons from other developers being released at an unfinished state, and those devs lose interest as sales slow to a trickle. I loved the 737 Classic and I would love to throw money at you guys if I can get a fully featured (i.e. proper VNAV and holding), fully functioning addon. I also want the -400 and -500 if you want to make paid extensions as well, like what PMDG is doing. Also some Brunner force feedback yoke support would be nice.....
    1 point
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