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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2022 in all areas

  1. that was poorly worded, sorry. "I have already put it in place in my development work, so as to be part of a future update for V12" It is not in place in the currently available version. With X-Plane's RC4, released today, I think X-Plane is in a good place to resume Moo tweaks. I'll probably release updates in two stages. 1) Visual changes, i.e. the rain effects and tweaked lighting...which just looks nicer. 2) Flight model refinement. I separate out the flight model refinement because it performs reasonably well in XP12 and most users, (me included) enjoy the more visual and sensory aspects of simming rather than 'by the numbers', i.e "we put in gas....we fly....make sure no needled go red, and enjoy the ride" Chasing numbers always involves more in depth tweaks, longer testing period, and frustrations fighting X-Plane's default models and I don't want to withold some of the cooler XP12 visual features while flight testing/refinement takes place. -tkyler
    2 points
  2. So after a bit more research...the Autopilot maintenance manual does NOT mention the 20nm restriction, only the official "pilot manual" for the autopilot. I find it possible that the pilot manual may be erroneous (or ambiguous as to other criteria not elucidated) and more inclined to follow the maintenance manual wording. As such, I'll remove the 20nm restriction in the next update....unless I discover a reason otherwise...or some other operating mode where the 20nm limit has applicability. -tkyler
    1 point
  3. thank you for the answer and as always your work is excellent, thank you very much for this as well.
    1 point
  4. Hi beebon, It should be possible to send a midi message after a dataref has been changed. It doesn't matter if this dataref has been changed by X-Plane itself or an incoming midi message. Could you share your toml profile with me, please? I'm also looking into your other request of having variable ports - but that's not so easy to implement. My worries are if you have the same midi device twice. Thanks, Marco
    1 point
  5. I foresee two 'events' with regards to the 733. Event 1 is "port to XP12 'as is'. Event 2 is 'upgrades beyond the port'. The goal of event 1 is to get it to work in XP12 the way it does in XP11 given XPlane changes. Those who have made 733 purchases since early this year will certainly get the XP12 port version for free as stated on the XA product page. Beyond that XP12 port though, we have not made any determinations about what may or may not constitute a 'paid upgrade' beyond the fact that it shouldn't be egregious or outlandish. Regarding features 'beyond the xp12 port'... we have and hear arugments all the time for/against variants, cargo versions, etc and have not made up our minds yet about what may be next. The obvious things todo are the FMS work and upgrading all the 3D/textures/animations. As far as MSFS, a lot of us developers have kept an eye out on the whole market/dev process and a port is not a trivial thing, regardless of what Fenix / inisim is doing. We're talking multiple 1000s of man hours easily, and at my age and road traveled, that's a tall order.....regardless of the money potential. I rather enjoy my little world in X-Plane and those users who also see the same value in it. Perhaps Fenix, iniSim or someone else can do a 737-300. I can't speak for any other devs in the X-Aviation ecosystem, but for our part, we'll probably stick to X-plane with the 733...best I can tell from today. -TomK
    1 point
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