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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2022 in all areas

  1. its actually been on my todo list for some time....just end of summer stuffs (family) and this XP12 transition business is taking my time atm. I fully intend to do a comprehensive AP supplement along with some tutorials as soon as possible. -TK
    2 points
  2. X-Aviation Installer-Based Integrations: These integrations will be installed automatically by the main G500 installer if you already own these X-Aviation products. If you purchase these products after installing the G500, just re-run the G500 installer to get the G500 version of these aircraft! Default X-Plane Cessna 172SP (Included with G500) TorqueSim BN-2B Islander TorqueSim BN-2T Turbine Islander TOGA Simulations MU-2 Marquise v2 Community Integrations: Follow the link for download and installation details. Use the G500 installer located in the X-Plane main directory to install to the aircraft after downloading. We will then save that location and automatically update these further installations when you run the main installer for future updates. Carenado PC-12 by Ither Beechcraft Baron B58 "Ultimate Mod" by moossaa3 Attached below is the G500 Integration Guide. If you are interested in integrating the G500 into an aircraft, feel free to email me (cooper@realsimgear.com) and I can provide X-Plane object/texture files of the G500. RealSimGear G500 Integration Guide.pdf
    1 point
  3. If anyone else in the future has this issue, If your password contains non-alpha-numeric characters (like $, %, &, etc) the login will not work; you can change the password at https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/account.php.
    1 point
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