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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2022 in all areas

  1. Time to run that after-takeoff checklist, too!
    1 point
  2. What happens if you set your upper limit to 0.51 or 0.55 Dion? I certainly didn't program it with my REV axis checkbox checked....now that being said, some hardware IS indeed differing in these axis ranges and that is the very reason the REV checkbox exists....and if it turns out you need to check REV and I don't with my hardware, then who says who's hardware "gets the normal behavior", etc. If my hardware axis is backwards, I simply check "Rev axis" and move on. I'm out of town and do not have my hardware for testing TK
    1 point
  3. http://togasim.com/mu2docs/setup/hardware_setup.html#single-paddle-no-detent
    1 point
  4. A valid radio navaid needs to be "received" by a navigation receiver. The NAV button does not work with GPS. TK
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This livery is based off the real life CL-605 registered C-FGRS, however it's very generic which means you can assign any reg you want to it using the dynamic registrations. Huge thanks to Goran and everyone else in the Hot Start discord for helping me learn how to create this.
    1 point
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