for the record.....I am absolutely willing and anxious to look at popular 3rd party products and integration with such; however, only after I get everything working smooth with default X-Plane first. So any love for these 3rd party add-ons will have to wait until after release. The G500/600 received a little extra love because a lot of MU2s have these nowadays and the integration was discussed early in the MU2 rework with the G500/600 developer.
The weather radar specifically is a bit of a odd duck at the moment in that we are close to transitioning to XP12 with its completely new weather engine and possibly new weather the weather radar is not getting any love at this instant and will initially ship with default XP11 weather radar. I want a properly functioning "old school" radar for sure, but am currently in a 'wait and see' with XP12 being around the corner.
I do not have visual 3D icing effects yet but intend to. I'm reluctant to quickly toss on 'stacking show/hide polygons' to simulate 3D ice buildup as I think its a bit cheesy. For myself, given the choice of "do nothing" vs. "do something, but it looks kind of cheesy to me", I'd rather do nothing until I can do it to what I feel is a quality implementation.
As far as whats "planned", all I can say is "everything I can" due time. The Moo is really a labor of love and I have quite a long list of extras I want to add to it once this new foundation is in. Right now its 10 things at once leading up to release, but afterwards, I can begin developing high quality extra features that will really improve the Moo experience. 2022 is basically slated for IXEG and Moo improvements.