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  1. If worse comes to worst I could take this as an opportunity to redo them...maybe with XP12 .
    1 point
  2. Hi Jan, Thanks very much for the fast response and the welcome back. I guess I'm somewhat comforted that the problem wasn't just on my end. Hope you are able to solve it without too mush hassle. I know myself and, I'm sure, lots of other people will be relieved to have them available again, hopefully. Thanks for the head-up on the other videos. I have been aware of them and watching them for a while. Having you, of all people, respond to my 737 dilemma was kind of like having Paul McCartney respond to me on suggestions for a major repair I need to do on my Hofner bass guitar. : ) LOL And, no, that did not happen, unfortunately. : ( Hope to have you teaching me in the cockpit again soon. Best regards, Rich V
    1 point
  3. Hi there, I just checked - you are right, I can´t call the up, either... I will try to find out why that is! Welcome back to flying the 737, Jan Edit: In the meantime, here are some more videos I made about our 737, like what the "recent" updates brought and also some further system explanations... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGRsg_6rB1D6f7lKjdw5r9P99swJtryhQ
    1 point
  4. Hello and thanks for the nice words! The FD in TOGA mode will only work if both FD switches are on. This is the same as in the real aircraft. Make sure you turn the correct one on first (left if you are sitting in the left seat) - this will light up the little MA lights (master) and determine which flight control computer is master and references the on-site VHF nav radio. For example if the left FCC is Master and you tune the ILS on the right NAV radio, you can not engage the APP mode. The red gear lights are part of the gear warning...I don´t recall the EXACT logic off the top of my head, but if power is idle (and flaps not up?) the lights will come on. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  5. Been a while since an update. After reaching a natural break point in the VNAV work at the beginnig of the year, the 733 work has since been waiting in the wings. A few things happened since the last report. 1) I've been working with Laminar for some projects that will eventually make its way into XP12. 2) I wrapped up all my other non xplane contract work so that I now only work on my X-Plane projects full time and 3) I reprioritized my MU2 project as my highest priority now that I'm back developing for xplane full time. I am targeting releasing my MU2 later this year. Progress on that is described elsewhere in these forums...so those wondering what I'm doing if I'm working full time XPlane....then the Mu2 is the answer. Getting the MU2 update out of the way (being long overdue as a 13 year old product) will allow me to resume the 733 work in earnest. A lot of good things have come out of my work for Laminar and the MU2 work that will allow us to improve the 733 in lots of ways, not only the FMS, but also targeting -400 / -500 variants, wing flex and simply improving the product all around. The 733 will not be abandonware...no more so than the MU2, which I've maintained for nearly 15+ years. When it gets in turn in rotation after the MU2 release later this year, it will be front and center for me for quite some time after. -tkyler
    1 point
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