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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi Everybody, Ran my last flight on my old I7-7700 CPU's, they will be swapped out for I910900's. Ran into a pressurization issue along the way. Late getting the arrival runway and had to make a steep descent into West Palm. Will begin building my new computers tomorrow.
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. Just a small update: the adventures of adding 62 lamps to the Turbolet, while not killing the FPS https://x-plane.hu/L-410/blog/2021/01/16/cabin-lights-and-lamps/
    1 point
  4. Never mind. I went through tickets one by one from today and found your ticket, referencing what seems to be above and found that you have submitted 70 support tickets. The contents of your support ticket message is: "...I still haven't heard from you thieving assholes. I'm an affiliated streamer who only plays X-Plane, and I have a giant banner on my page telling people to ask me why X-Aviation sucks. I can't even count how many times I've recounted my horrible experience with you fucks. You don't even have an option to request a refund. I will continue to spam the shit out of your fucking support tickets until I hear from you. Fuck you and your shitty, thieving company. I hope you go out of business." Is that correct? I think I've seen enough at this point. You go on with whatever self-important Twitch streaming you do, speak from the top of mountains all you want and embarrass yourself by showcasing your immaturity, and I'll leave this here for anyone to see anytime I see mention of you or your stream. For a person like you trying to crack down on insults, you sure do know how to be the King of them yourself. Embarrassing. I am not one to be shy of threats being flung at me. All of this rhetoric is nothing, and your behavior was simply unacceptable from a human to human standpoint. We'll move on now. Best of luck to you and your Twitch affiliated streaming career going forward.
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Air Nippon Island Dolphin livery for the Boeing 737-300 IXEG Reg: JA392K
    1 point
  6. Version 1.1


    Small Planet Airlines livery for the IXEG Boeing 737-300 Reg: LY-AQX
    1 point
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