To get the appropriate cruise set up, you have to go to the section 5.8 of the POH (TBM official's one) :
"The torque must be set at or below the value corresponding to the local conditions of flight level and temperature.
Inertial separator must be OFF and ”BLEED HI” MSG OFF.
Example : for FL = 260 and OAT = - 22°C, the following tables give the maximum torque to be set.
Maximum climb power :
TRQ = 83 % for IAS = 124 KIAS (Add 0.5 % of TRQ for each additional 10 KIAS on climb airspeed) (cf. tables Figures 5.8.1 and 5.8.1A)
Maximum cruise power :
TRQ = 97 % (cf. tables Figures 5.8.3 and 5.8.3A)
Recommended cruise power :
TRQ = 92 % (cf. tables Figures 5.8.4 and 5.8.4A)"
In short, in cruise, you have to check the Torque Power, not the IAS : at high altitude, set the Torque Power around 90-95% (you will have to increase the throttle when you climb, the opposite on descent).
Good flights,