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  1. Put the .fpl in coroutes folder inside aircraft/X-aviation/IXEG 737 classic folder (it is already there)
    1 point
  2. This is just one of those little things that need to be fixed in VR. I was going nuts until I realized that you have to “twist” the knob (as in for the altitude), instead of dragging it up or down. Twisting it just works perfect for me.
    1 point
  3. You don't invest in the future once you're already there, Hotstart should lead the way encouraging more users to adopt. With them already partnering with SimVRLabs that's a good start, but if they continue to push VR support for this and their other aircraft then that can only be a good thing. Once Vulkan arrives I think we'll see the VR population increase as right now VR has compromises. Likewise the VR industry is moving. Oculus are announcing a 1.5 generation headset soon, the Rift S, with even greater tech to come ( see half dome). I also think VR will bring a new generation of simmers. For me personally I never had an interest in aviation, until I tried the xp11demo with the Rift. Since I've been hooked. I had tried flying on the monitor at multiple times through my life, but never cared for it. Being sat in front of a screen is no comparison to being inside the aircraft. Clicking things with the mouse is no comparison to reaching out and grabbing levers and flicking switches. That's my ten cents anyway
    1 point
  4. Once VR always VR. I can't see myself flying non VR. Majority of the headset were sold during Thanksgiving and end of the year. Steam reporting more VR headset being used then number of LInux users. Actually TBM VR is pretty good just need a way to access those special screens for maintenance without moving the headset. Rest just works. This is a TBM 900 flight I completed today in VR.
    1 point
  5. Great plane, really the best GA airplane out there, so congratulations, but it is not so VR friendly. It’d be really amazing if you could fix the ice and rain effects in VR, plus adding an AviTab (as many other airplanes had). The tablet could allow using the airframe manager, maintenance, payload, and so on, as for 737 Zibo, without the need to get out of VR. That would make this airplane absolutely the best for GA and attract many avid shoppers that as many of us only fly in VR. Really, once you’ve tried VR there is no way back to a flat screen. I hope the developers are realizing this and the VR potential. Thanks again for making possible this amazing plane.
    1 point
  6. @TimC Try the following: 1. Power the TBM-900 up. 2. Turn the Auto-Pilot On (switch located the overhead panel righthand side) 3. As soon as the PFD's and MFD have powered up go to the TRIM section of the MFD (lower left corner) and move the RUD trim to the center (white tick mark) and the ELEV to the T/O white tick mark. 4. Toggle the Beta Prop switch located under the Power lever on the left side to enter Reverse and the Taxi power range. 5. When you have aligned with the runway for Take Off bring the power up to 40% prop torque indicated (or very close) stabilize power and on the takeoff roll easy power to takeoff power. By playing with the above settings my TBM is very much so controllable for Take Offs and Taxi. My preference for the Control Sensitivity for my controls are set to 50% for both Control Response and Stability Augmentation. The RUD trim (#3 Step) is likely the biggest culprit as I was lining the tick mark up with the BLUE mark. Mine handles best when trimmed to just touching the right side of the WHITE mark. Your mileage may very as they say ;-) Regards! Dwight
    1 point
  7. This (ice simulation) is something I've wanted for so long!
    -1 points
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