Is there any chance of you implementing a walk around feature in the future? i mean showing oil quantity and quality, tires state,..etc.
I know you can check all this things inside the maintenance page, but i would love to go to the maintenance only when is time for it or if i see any unusual behavior, as this page gives you much more info than needed in a preflight inspection and i don´t want to know about this things at this point.
I don´t ask from an eye candy point of view (not saying that it would not be great to have a walk around option where you could open the engine cover and check this things with a mouse click for example) but i mean from a practical point of view, lets say some page showing you the results of the preflight inspection (same as the maintenance one but omitting the state of parts that you don´t have access).
Just to be clear, this is not a complaint. This is such a fantastic airplane in every way and so beautiful complex rendition that i just feel is a petty to don´t have this feature.
Thanks for the plane and for the time to read this