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With the exterior of the TBM 900 all but completed, Cullen Chandler (Cessnarox on Twitch) provided feedback and specifications for a user friendly paint kit. He started painting the TBM a couple of days ago. Eventually, the paint kit and these repaints will be made available to the community. Here's a gallery of the first repaint he made. And these are his latest images.1 point
1 point
Tried to download the attachment but I get a forum error.-1 points
No joy. Reported to Cameron to see what's going on with the forum glitch. Thanks for trying again..-1 points
I wonder if both routers have NAT enabled putting you behind a double NAT... You should be able to configure the second router to hand off all NAT and DHCP to the first. Exactly how that's done is beyond the scope of a forum post (or our tech support offerings) though. Good find..-1 points
Are you running on a large Hi-DPI display? Can you reset your X-Plane UI scaling factor to 100%? Does this help? 11.20 is a mess.-1 points
-1 points
The answers you seek are contained within this very thread. You've rasied the issue and only one user is chiming in. If it was a bigger issue surely this very thread would be alive with voices chiming in about how it would make a dramatic difference to the world of X-Plane if it was a more lively feature. It's not, and it wouldn't. You might find refreshing this site a more productive use of everyones time. We do: https://www.thresholdx.net/ Respectfully...-1 points
If you upload X-Plane / Log.txt there might be a clue in there for us.-1 points
The. Author. Of. xEnviro. Has. Traced. This. Bug. It. Is.. A. Problem.With. xEnviro. This is not up for debate. The technical work has been done. We assisted where possible. The cause has been found. It's. not. my. problem. Factual reality. Please join it.-1 points
-1 points
Like what? I have no open bugs against this issue. Genuinely curious. Share your wisdom.-1 points
I have my doubts that OP even understands the warning message he's interpreting. I re-read the WAV file specs. It could be as simple as a single byte missing from a number of different chunk types. <WAVE-form> → RIFF('WAVE' <fmt-ck> // Format [<fact-ck>] // Fact chunk [<cue-ck>] // Cue points [<playlist-ck>] // Playlist [<assoc-data-list>] // Associated data list <wave-data> ) // Wave data https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WAV#Specification RIFF files consist entirely of "chunks". The overall format is identical to IFF, except for the endianness as previously stated, and the different meaning of the chunk names. All chunks have the following format: 4 bytes: an ASCII identifier for this chunk (examples are "fmt " and "data"; note the space in "fmt "). 4 bytes: an unsigned, little-endian 32-bit integer with the length of this chunk (except this field itself and the chunk identifier). variable-sized field: the chunk data itself, of the size given in the previous field. a pad byte, if the chunk's length is not even. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resource_Interchange_File_Format Given that we have no bug reports on this issue in so long I'm going to error on the side of mundane and meaningless. Had the OP named the chunk-type that was throwing the warning message it would add more weight to the post. Had the OP named the tool he used to generate the warning scan it would've made investigations easier. @parsec Thanks for the notes regarding data-format matching and mixer overheads. Note worthy info that's easy to overlook. In the grand scheme of things with 8 core machines and everything from crap on board sound to dedicated gaming sound chips it probably doesn't make a huge difference. I'm honestly not sure if the OpenAL calls we use run in the game thread or their own. I suspect on Apple hardware at least it runs in a seperate thread. (My brain is ringing bells from reading crash dumps where OpenAL is in a thread of its own...)-1 points
Documentation for the OpenAL function that consumes the audio data after it's extracted from the WAV file container. There is no mention of padding requirements. There is a mention of data interleaving requirements for stereo files. Perhaps (and this is pure guess work) the warning message being thrown is for stereo-format files where the interleave data is missing a trailing byte. (Say: 30 samples for left data and 29 for right...) If OP wants to chime in and provide more facts about what's actually wrong, what tool they were using or how to interpret the cropped screenshot they provided I could make more meaningful progress. Bottom line: there are no errors logged against this for thousands of customers and varied hardware running it.-1 points
xEnviro team have identified the issue as their own and the fix will have to come from their side. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/topic/149092-xe-and-gizmo/&tab=comments#comment-1428322-1 points
-1 points
You have an old version of Gizmo installed. Download and install a new one from the link below or re-run your product installer.-1 points