The after landing trigger was SPOILERS DOWN and, per FCOM, I prefer the F/O to handle the strobe switch on his side. However, it is perfectly understandable that you want to change your triggers to your liking and your own logic. You are very welcome to do that.
Nice idea !
With Speedy Copilot 2.15, engine start switches are manually activated by you, for the start procedure. Then ,during after start flows (and in approach,later), tjeF/O switches them to CONTINUOUS. I just tested that,and it worked perfectly on my computer. Did you erase the previous versions of the script before copying the last version ? Also, close and restart X-Plane for and after the installation to erase any global variable values.
I did not change the trigger in version 2.15 following your suggestion, because I made several tests with the current state of triggers for the after takeoff flow to ensure they are robust as is. The triggers are sensitive, because it has to work both for take off and go around. I remember fine tuning those takeoff triggers and it is not clear to me (without doing a series of tests) if the after takeoff sequence would keep safe and operationnal with your modification, but I hope so. So I reserve this modification for later so far. In the mean time, you are very welcome to modify the script on your computer of course.
I welcome your ideas and suggestions.
Thank you for your interest.