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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2018 in all areas

  1. Hey y'all It's been a while since I've lurked on this forum. I must admit it's very flattering to see that my 767-400 is still the top download in the forum haha. I'll cut straight to the chase, as I'm mostly here to tie up loose ends regarding what has happened to my projects and where I am now. After high school, I simply haven't been able to find time to continue developing the 787 project. The short of it is, the project is dead. Source files for the aircraft probably don't even exist anymore, and if they do, I certainly can't find them. I do apologize for being so silent on the issue, I genuinely didn't anticipate how crazy life would become in the years after 11th grade. These days, I don't really fly anymore, though I'm tempted to jump back into it some day. That being said, I still work a lot in the 3D modelling and CGI world now as a full time job, working with VR imaging companies and doing my own CGI visualization and photography work in the automotive industry. (I've enclosed some examples of my recent work, if you guys are curious). I'd like to try and get back into the community eventually, just as a member for the forseable future, and maybe someday as a developer again. Cheers. Michael.
    1 point
  2. I think in the flight simulation community expectations are sometimes really high. The IXEG 737's most beautiful thing may not be something noticeable to someone who doesn't fly or hasn't flown a big commercial jet in real life, and that is it's dynamic behavior. It's a lovely plane to hand fly, I really enjoy disconnecting everything and just hand flying an ILS or a visual approach. Of course the FMC has some limitations (I will list HOLD and PROG pages as the two things I'll put on my 'need to have list', the rest falls under 'nice to have') but that's nothing compared to the handling the aircraft has. And in regards to VNAV... even in real life, in the newest Boeing designed, the VNAV many times gets it wrong and starts acting up. Making a fully functioning and well simulated aircraft takes either a lot of resources (money) or a lot of time. However this is the aircraft I like the most of all the ones available for X-Plane. Keep up the good work.
    1 point
  3. if I try to evaluate ROI as (time spent) / (money spent) there is nothing that comes even close to this beautiful aircraft, and I include other sims with their most respected add-ons if I consider what I learnt due to those "major" issues on VNAV, I am tempted to ask deteriorating a few more systems in future updates Happy New Year everyone
    1 point
  4. Will be fixed in next X-Plane beta. Jan
    1 point
  5. First off let me say Jan you are a true gem in the flight sim community for the way you handle support questions!! In my opinion no other civilian plane in any flight sim is more enjoyable or creates a better suspension of disbelief than the IXEG 737. And I have flown quite a few planes and sims over the many years I have been a simmer. I have never found myself thinking this plane was lacking in anyway only that I needed to learn to overcome a challenge. The IXEG model is the only plane I have flown over the last year. I prefer to only fly one plane and learn it inside and out as much as possible (so I for one do love the systems Jan speaks of). I study each aspect of the aircraft, navigation, systems, etc. until I feel very comfortable with it. I do however learn something new every time I spend time studying. As for the missing parts - it is my belief that those "missing" parts have made me a better pilot. For example Holds. I hand fly them now instead of just pushing a few buttons. I created a small reference sheet I can quickly make notes on. See below. Also I study my altitude restrictions more and just add them myself. I hand fly offsets. Etc. I can understand people who fly multiple planes not wanting to actually learn their BFM, systems and real world aviation but for me that is where the fun actually is. And when those extras get added I will be even better prepared and appreciate the workload relief…..or will I? $75 I consider value for money! The many hours of pleasure it has brought me this year equals only a few cents an hour. Also want to thank Cameron for allowing people to voice their opinions and not turning this into a forum that people are only allowed to just spam pages of thank after thank you or they get banned. Well that's just one man's thoughts and big thumbs up to all of you guys that help the fight sim world progress. HOLD CARD:
    1 point
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