Hi Denco,
I just tried the "737 walz" in 11.10b4 that my real instructor demonstrated during my initial landing training in 96:
Approach normally, but don´t arm the spoilers! Add, 1-2% N1 just before touchdown. Now float down the runway, touching down with the left wheel, then the right wheel, then the left... The ground effect will keep you floating without speed loss.
You will have to pull quite a bit in X-Plane, but it shows that it there is enough elevator authority.
The CG can be adjusted in the "ground services" menu before takeoff, and it will calculate the resultant takeoff trim setting for you. Note that this trim setting will be too much "nose up" after you climb out of ground effect, another sideeffect of Austin´s new downwash model. We will adjust that after 11.10 goes final. Be prepared to trim nose-down after climbing through 20 feet or so...