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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/10/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi, here are just my quick answers: 1.) The ninja-fixes aren´t hurting XP10 functionality EXCEPT that it won´t be possible to turn left/right during pushback, anymore. I think this is a worthy tradeoff, though. 2.) I have the list ready and will publish it just before we are ready to push the patch out - doing it now will just cause anguish (look-but-don´t-touch type of anguish...) Some people can´t deal with that sort of thing very well and I don´t like the negativity that is springing from that. I will shoot a new preview movie highlighting some stuff soon, though. 3.) Post 1.1 I expect to see an "official" XP11 "compatibility" patch that will fix some things that can´t go in a XP10 patch (drag, annuciator brightness,...). After that we will work on a full XP11 patch (materials, sound) and that should also incorporate more 3D work (cabin, doors, etc.) 4.) Good idea - we will also sticky the necessary steps to get it working in XP11, so that info won´t get buried in a mound of (sometimes not really helpful) comments 5.) F/O instruments should be working just as well as CPT´s side - except for the WXR radar and EGPWS display. This is a fundamental issue that may not be resolved anytime soon. Cabin night lighting will happen, most likely with the new cabin (not in 1.1). Cheers, Jan
    4 points
  2. That is for sure not intended. I have discovered similar behavior and its been reported to the IXEG team
    1 point
  3. Cruising around with my Cessna 172.
    1 point
  4. Boeing 757-200 in the beautiful United Battleship livery, approaching KSFO Taken in X-Plane 11
    1 point
  5. A funny thing happen on the way to the office......
    1 point
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