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  1. And while everyone waits for 1.1 - here is a little preview of the EGPWS we flesh out more in the next patch:
    5 points
  2. I think there is some sort of missinformation you are receiving about the bird status. The aircraft FMC works LNAV and VNAV, you can complete an entire flight based on the FMC VNAV/LNAV capabilities with no issues, have speed and alt restrictions, etc. etc. This how i do operate the aircraft being offline all the time until i am 1000 to 2000ft for the runway and i put A/P, A/T off for landing. When i do fly online on PE network i climb and/or descend via SID/STAR procedure or vía VECTORS/ALTITUDES call outs coming from ATC to comply. So what is all this posts about. -LNAV, you may experience a simulation softcrash on some scenarios mainly if you perform changes to the route plan inflight. Lets say you programmed your route and once airborne you start switching procedures, editing waypoints, deleting things, changing destination airports, etc. Under those complex coding scenarios the simulation code is not solid enough and may crash. A big improvement for managing those scenarios is expected for upcoming release 1.1 -VNAV, some airport procedures (specially STAR procedures) includes very complex set of orders for speeding and altitude constraints mixed together that may be also tight to several waypoints in sequence. Under this complex scenarios VNAV simulation may fail to determine/compute a valid VNAV profile providing unexpected altitudes, etc. (i.e. when the procedures calls for Above and Bellow order for a waypoint), etc. BUT if you as a pilot review the VNAV profile once computed and edit speeding/altitudes on the legs page for those critical cases before departure VNAV will handle the approach with no trouble at all. So this is not about the aircraft not having LNAV/VNAV available, the FMC has both and they work. But if you are inflight and try change/update your flight plan this could lead to issues as of now as the simulation code still requires fine tuning. Under those circumstances i would recommend switching to HDG/FLCH/VS modes to comply do not try to do FMC porgramming micro-managment close to your destination airport. Now... hand flying this bird during takeoff and landing operation is years light ahead of anything. This thing behaves like an aircraft, you can actually feel the weight under different load configurations, how the aircraft responds under different flaps, trim, yoke input is simply amazing. Hydraulics, Electrical systems, sounds, graphical quality, factor of immersion is lights years ahead as well. just my 2 cents.
    2 points
  3. Hi everyone, we would like to give all of our loyal customers a short update on the work going on behind the scenes. As you are all aware, we are working on patch 1.1. It will include a number of additions and fixes to our 737, some of which we hinted at in our sneak peak thread: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/11745-spot-whats-new-v11-spoiler-alert/ We are not quite ready yet to release the full list of features and fixes, especially since we want to make sure that we can actually include the items in question and also run a more thorough test on this patch than we had the time for on the last "hotfix" type patches. For the same reason we won´t commit to an ETA at this point. As we draw closer to release, I will update this post with more info on 1.1. We know it has been a very long time without updates and we thank you for your continuing support in spite of this! Happy landings, Jan
    1 point
  4. You don't need to reinstall. Check out this http://developer.x-plane.com/2016/11/you-dont-need-to-reinstall-x-plane-to-fix-it/
    1 point
  5. I am actually in agreement with some of your statements. When we released the plane, it was not "complete". We tried to shed a light on this with this post http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/8526-things-that-are-not-going-to-be-in-v10/ . I have tried to be upfront about the shortcomings of the product at the time of release - this was not without debate in the team! It is not normal to highlight the shortcomings of your product in this industry, and if you look at the product description of other add-ons and compare that with the actual product released, you may find some discrepancies there, too . At the time of release we faced the decision to either release (and fix the shortcomings later on) or to stop work on it altogether. I think that the plane, even in it´s current status, does carry value. At least that is what the majority of user feedback indicates to us. It was our intention (and my belief) that the team would be able to provide fixes to shortcomings and the missing items in a more timely manner. I personally feel disappointed about this myself. I can say for myself that I worked in support of the 737 continously in the last 12 months - but I am not a programmer or a 3D artist, so I have to rely on the part of the team in charge of that. Morten stated correctly that the patch 1.1 for XP10 has been done (for several weeks now). I have also completed the interim "compatibility patch" for XP11, including the flight-model adjustments. We have not added the new "material properties" (again, I can´t do that with my lack of 3D-skills), but the plane flies (and taxis!) in XP11 just as well as it does in XP10. We are waiting for Ben and X-Aviation to deliver the new Gizmo version (as Morten mentioned) so we can get the patch to you. It is not in the IXEG´s team´s hands, and hopefully Ben is up to speed again soon after getting hit with the flood to clear this milestone and then we can progress. Jan
    1 point
  6. Fair enough, it does come off differently though with the way you wrote it. Not laying words into your mouth, just simply interpreting them. You guys keep saying how you're providing the XP 11 update for free, but to be fair, you're saying that now because who knows when that will actually happen. I do still stand with the fact that you guys should have never released this plane at its current state, it's borderline unethical to provide all these features on your product page, but then not deliver on them. Product Page: "Systems & AvionicsCreated with the idea no detail would go missed, all systems have been meticulously modeled to bring you the highest possible fidelity." " • System simulation without limits – if it´s in the cockpit, it´s working as in the real plane" This is false advertising in my mind. You guys have not meticulously modeled all systems (FMC), and is entail, not fair to your customers. Put on your product description that this is still "in progress". If Gizmo is truly what you guys are waiting on, then why are you guys not saying that?
    1 point
  7. the piracy problem is not my problem , I payed and a lot ... so please this is not an excuse for me... make your product sure it's , again , your work... Regards
    1 point
  8. Good to know, my only regret is to have spent a lot of money for an airplane without development team ... thank you, I will uninstall your 737 ... sadly Regards
    1 point
  9. I've read all the previous posts carefully, and I understand perfectly that the product is currently only compatible with XP10. But too much time has passed since the release of the latest Xp10 patch ... I would like to be wrong, but I think the development team no longer exists, or it is no longer working on the product for some time! And that would explain why today you are not able to tell when the patch will come out for XP10 and not even for XP11 ... I repeat, I would be wrong, but I'm afraid it is so!
    1 point
  10. Yes, this is normal behavior for most airliners (low wing and tail) The technical explanation is; During initial rotation, the elevator/stabilizer will move closer to ground (tail going down). Here there is very turbulent air from the wing downwash. This means that the elevator no longer will be as efficient and you need to apply more elevator to continue rotation A few feet after liftoff, the wing will leave Chord Dominated Ground effect, lift will decrease slightly, and the nose might have a tendency to drop unless you continue to increase AoA. M
    1 point
  11. Status report. The initial inquiries into XP11 are GOOD news Our CFM56-3 engine model has survived Austins major engine rewrite in XP11 The new drag model has not messed up a lot and we are now back in the ballpark We have a fix in for the ground model So, basically, what we need to do now on the FM side is more extensive testing and fine-tuning and check other non-announced areas for changes. Unless Austin makes more changes that will set us back, things are looking good in terms of progress M
    1 point
  12. patience ? I have pay 70 Euros for this plane ... this is not free .... and I expect more respect . my patience Thanks to clarify I bought this plane in April 2016 and waited patch 1.1 for XP 10 before Compatibility in XP 11 Regards Paolo
    0 points
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