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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/16/2016 in all areas

  1. Hey everyone! BIG update: Wing modelling is wrong (looks like 200ER wings with raked wingtips stuck at the end, fuselage is too low poly in contrast to the rest of the modelling, engine shape is wrong too (GE90-95 engines from the 200ER not the 300ER/200LR GE90s). I'm redoing most of the modelling, starting with brand new engine, fuselage, and wing modelling. Landing gear has been refined with better animations and the inclusion of the 300ER specific cantilever system on the front of the main landing gears. - The textures is another highlight, with the fuselage split into 4 sections - each with 4K textures with almost every nut, bolt and rivet textured. - Engines has been completely remodelled, with new cowling that accurately reflect the GE90-115B/110B engines. - The wing is one of the biggest change, from 7 wing cuts to a staggering 11 wing cuts, ensuring an extremely satisfying and smooth wing flex. Slats have been correctly animated, flaps mechanism has been modelled and so on. Enjoy the screenshots!
    6 points
  2. About ten months ago, I woke up at 0300 local time, and started a flight for my VA. It was a quick jaunt from KDEN to Cheyenne. Flight time was about an hour. I was in the B1900. As I descended, I saw the clouds underneath me, and HOLY SHIT, MY LANDING LIGHTS ARE REFLECTING OFF OF THE CLOUDS. Between my dark cockpit, my dark gaming room, and the landing lights making the clouds glow, I was lost in the moment. It was one of those rare events where you can suspend disbelief completely, and just be a pilot, flying. I have only ever see that effect with SMP running, and that alone is worth $20 a year to me.
    3 points
  3. Hello all! I've been wondering if anyone here will make a nice looking 777, FlightFactor's rendition was comprehensive in the systems, but not so much in visual accuracy. This is my first legitimate aircraft project, It will have a few short comings in terms of detail (but my aim here is to attain the highest level of modelling accuracy), I used Hiroshi Igami's 777 (from POSKY, they're now TDS) as a base, then redid the engines, wings etc and remapped and retextured any model thats used. UPDATE: I scrapped most of the modelled redid the aircraft, starting with the most popular choice at the moment: 777-300ER, check latest post for latest images! One thing about 777s that I like is the wing flex, and FF unfortunately didn't simulate that very well. My wing model is sliced into 7 sections to ensure a smooth and almost-seamless flex. The landing gear also is sized correctly (hehe) and isn't a 200ER landing gear (theres no wiring and no cantilever system in the front). Yes it's going to be freeware, it's a learning project for me, a project launched after being dissatisfied of FF's 777, and also learning to animate. Without further ado, here are lé screenshots for you to feast on. Many thanks to: Jeffrey Chen: for his help advising about animation Goran Matovina: for advising me about the fan blade animations (stuck on it for days) Hiroshi Igami: for his model, and continuous assistance and support in this project ____ Possibly released under Aerobridge Studios.
    2 points
  4. Hi Xcamera user here myself, some notes: 1. You can bind hotkeys to your joystick to cycle the Xcamera views. 2. You can switch Xcamera and or TrackIR off via Xcamera hotkeys (setup in Xplane) 3. Try out different views! External, overhead panel, co-pilot, radios etc. About mousewheel/rotary knobs, I am unsure about what I want... The only consistency I have with rotary knobs is that I never like it, no matter how anyone handled it.
    1 point
  5. Sorry for the delayed answer. The project is definitely not dead it's just progressing at a slower pace at the moment. The reason for that is my newly born daughter who takes up nearly all of my and my wife's time. For those of you still interested in the project I attached a picture showing the current status of the overhead panel. Please feel free to leave a comment if you like. Take care Martin
    1 point
  6. Today I did some specific tests regarding a feature I never told you about: I planned a function in order to automatically update the plane when the plugin find a newer version, in this way you shouldn't worry about missing and/or manual updates and theoretically you could update every single component of the plane (the code allow this), no matter if the update is about a script, a texture, a sound, an object or anything else... the only possible issue is about the generated data traffic when transferring big files such textures or objects, that's something I need to analyze carefully. In short when an update is available you'll see this sequence: You'll decide to accept the update or not, it's up to you. Let's say that you have accepted the update, so let's stop the main script engine: starting to get the updated files and apply them: Finally, you'll be prompted to reload the plane: If something goes wrong during the update process another window will tell you that, the only issues I found during this process are about internet connection and/or server availability, nothing else, in this case you can reload the plane and then choose to try again or decline the update in order to try later.
    1 point
  7. Yeah. It's looking pretty sweet after being textured in PBR! Ok, I'll be serious. Jim has been under some pretty serious deadlines with his work on XP11. While he's been doing that, I've been texturing the Citation in PBR and non PBR (for XP11 and XP10 respectively), as well as some other things I've been working on in my spare time. I WILL post screenshots of the Citation in PBR when I'm satisfied with how it looks. Obviously not in XP11. I use an external renderer for those.
    1 point
  8. It's more like "my brain hurts from coding, so I need to find something else to do for a while"
    1 point
  9. -1 points
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