I know this is an old post started more than 2 years ago. I recently revisited this scenery to check the status and evaluate weather to continue with the project or not, and I was happily surprised of the state in which it was left off. Looking at it with fresh eyes, after close to a year without opening the files, and an intense year of skills refinement, I decided to reboot the project and push it it all the way to release. There is still a lot to do starting with a custom mesh to add underpasses and adapt the terrain for all objects to look right, leaving the slopes on the runways, plus all the city (autogen and custom). Once XP11 and the documentation for the new scenery system is out , most likely a new UV mapping and retexture will be necessary.
This will certainly not happen this year, but 2017 will be the year for this and other mexican sceneries I have in the works. Here is just an overview of the whole airport scenery at the current status.