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  1. Recommended videos that will enhance your sim experience. All are done by professional pilots with the IXEG 737. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY! UPDATE AS OF JANUARAY 2022: Some of the tutorial videos were made private by YouTube...for reasons unknown. I have managed to reupload tutorial 1 and 2. Tutorials 3 and 4 will be made available when I redo all videos with X-Plane 12 and the latest IXEG versions. https://youtu.be/j95Bi8b7DvQ (IXEG tutorial 1) - Basic FMS and navigation Welcome to your first tutorial flight with IXEG's 737-300 classic aircraft simulation. We have created these tutorial flights to allow you to become familiar with the operation of this aircraft in a gradual manner that is fun and easy. We have created four tutorials for you, with each tutorial flight increasing in complexity of operation. We highly recommend that you repeat the tutorial flights as many times as necessary until you are familiar and comfortable with the concepts introduced in each tutorial. https://youtu.be/PJMsk43vACs - (IXEG tutorial 2) - Autopilot and flight director Our second tutorial flight will demonstrate the usage of the Autopilot / Flight Director System (APFDS ). We assume you have developed some familiarity and proficiency with manual flying, common 737 cockpit nomenclature and basic usage of the FMS from the Quick start and Tutorialflight 1 missions. If you have not worked through those flights, we highly recommend you do so before conducting this tutorial. (IXEG tutorial 3) In this tutorial, you will bring both the aircraft and dark cockpit to life in the same manner a 737- 300 crew does, minus a few checks and tests that do not apply for general flight simulation. Youwill fly from München, Germany EDDM to Salzburg, Austria LOWS and along the way, operate and become familiar with the Weather Radar, Anti-Ice and Ground Proximity Warning System, EGPWS. You will conclude the tutorial via a visual approach to LOWS runway 34, landing, taxi and shutdown. (IXEG tutorial 4) This tutorial will consist of a complete flight from Nice, France (LFMN) to Geneve, Switzerland (LSGG) and will utilize the full capabilities of the Flight Management Systems (FMS) for the entirety of the flight. This flight is particularly beautiful, being that it crosses the western Alps. During this flight, we will introduce you to the FMSÅLs lateral and vertical navigational features, commonly referred to as LNAV and VNAV. We will simulate a turnaround scenario where you are in the incoming captain, replacing the previous captain who had just arrived. EGPWS Jan explains how the EGPWS of the 737 works. TCAS Jan explains how the TCAS of the 737 works ================ Base Training (Reflected Reality Simulations) When new airline pilots first fly a jet transport they do what's called Base Training, essentially just learning how to land the aircraft after spending hours and hours in the simulator learning procedures. We're at Prestwick today for a couple of circuits. Normally done at 1500 ft, there's a bit of terrain under the downwind leg so 1600ft is used today. Circling Procedure (Reflected Reality Simulations) Pisa, Italy. Departing runway 22L then flying an ILS arrival to 04R then circling to land 22L. RNAV Arrival (Reflected Reality Simulations) This video looks at the RNAV 03 arrival at Rovaniemi using LNAV for the lateral track and speed/vs for the profile. The procedure shown in the video allows a sim pilot to fly an RNAV arrival simply. Real life procedures may be substantially different. Vectored ILS Autoland (Reflected Reality Simulations) Short video showing how to use the fix page to help you vector yourself onto an ILS approach. Not a procedure one would use in real life but useful for sim pilots who don't use VATSim or PilotEdge. Also shows an automatic landing. ILS Arrival (Reflected Reality Simulations) Landing at Barcelona runway 25R from the ILS approach with the IXEG 737-300. Flown from top of descent onwards. Unintended AP disconnect adds some minor drama! Groundschool: Descent Planning: (Reflected Reality Simulations) This is a short video on managing the descent path to aim for a continuous descent approach. I found this subject particularly tricky when I started flying, so I've tried to explain it as simply as possible. Descent Management and Go Around (Reflected Reality Simulations) Back in the IXEG 737 flying the profile I described in my "Groundschool: Descent Planning" video, finishing off with a missed approach. Starting from 10000ft we fly a 3 degree profile to be altitude 5000 20 miles from the runway, fly a 5nm / 1000 ft profile to be 180 Flaps 5 by 3000 ft and 10 miles. Autopilot Go Around LSGG (Reflected Reality Simulations) Flying into Geneva in the IXEG 737-300, we'll fly the missed approach with the autopilot, then pick up a VOR radial to complete the missed approach. Circling Approach LDDU (Reflected Reality Simulations) Flying the Dubrovnik circling procedure using the fix page to draw the prescribed tracks. The key to circling on the 737 is to use VOR/LOC for the ILS segment with VS to maintain the glideslope. The Pisa video (Part 6) shows this also with a more conventional timed circling approach. Innsbruck LOWI (Reflected Reality Simulations) Putting together everything we've discussed in the past few videos to fly a departure and arrival at Innsbruck, one of the most challenging airports in the world.Departing runway 08 for the KPT2J departure, before returning via TULSI and RTT for the LOC/DME East arrival for runway 26, before following a prescribed track circling procedure for runway 08. LFMN Vnav (Reflected Reality Simulations) Departing Bastia LFKB using the VNav functions to fly to Nice LFMN on the VOR-B arrival to runway 22R. We look at correct thrust reduction and acceleration procedures for the departure and explore how VNav can be used to manage an arrival. ================ Flightdeck Setup (Airline2sim part 2) Flight from Dublin to Manchester (Airline2sim part 3) In this video our real world 737 Classic pilot talks Ben through setting up the flightdeck for a flight from Dublin to Manchester in this wonderful new add-on aircraft. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!
    2 points
  2. Well. Jar is Jar. I would recommend you to disable the plugin. I dont take the chance to let any Jar plugins interfere with my aircrafts. But this is the latest I found. v220116 . What do you got? http://jardesign.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1661 http://handling.jardesign.org/
    1 point
  3. No, that is not related. We expect our plane to keep working in XP11 - but I am sure there will be a thing or two that needs to be adjusted - or some new features that we can make use of. I don´t think there will be a 1.0.8 - we have enough new content and fixes ready on the sideline to warrant calling the next one 1.1 - we are "just" waiting to get some more FMS fixes in. Once those are done we will need to do a thorough flight-testing, we would like to avoid the "fix two things, break one new" we used to have during the frantic hot-fix run. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  4. Hi, 1. I'm not in front of x-plane now, but I think that in the local map you have an option to put your plane at 3NM (in the upper left ?). So start your flight at an airport, start the engines with the autostart option, then go to local map to use this option. Guillaume
    1 point
  5. Hello everybody, I want to know if it's normal to expect 1 week for an answer of x-aviation for the activation of my add-on. In fact, I just change my computer and because of 3 crashs, I was obliged to reinstall all of my add-on. For the 4th time, we need to activate by x-aviation. This is scandalous, I'm still waiting and no answer about x-aviation. What's wrong with this company? I will never ordering at x-aviation Regards from France :-)
    -1 points
  6. Midway Airlines Fictional Livery for IXEG 737 Classic View File Midway Airlines fictional livery for the IXEG 737 Classic based on the Midway 737-700 (N364ML). Enjoy. Submitter jfjoubert Submitted 08/28/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
    -1 points
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