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Hi ibawbag, Thanks for the nice words and the feedback. I can´t confirm your problems with the autoland - are you using some sort of weather injector/third party program? The real autopilots´autoland has some pretty strict limits on wind speeds (max CWC 10kts) and will also fail if there is a sudden change in winds close to the ground. The look of the CDUs is 100% realistic (and I have stared at those things for 10 years). The comparison with the ZX Spectrum isn´t half bad, because the era when they were designed is probably the same! Yes, the real ones have crappy resolution, a mind-numbing monochrome green and are slow to operate to boot. If other developers have "niced them up", then I would write that off to artistic liberty. Here is a shot of the real one: and this one wasn´t 75$ Cheers, Jan4 points
Version 1.0.0
There are already two other liveries of Czech Airlines by other authors, but sadly neither is very accurate and with lots of details missing so I decided to make my own version. The livery is based on reg. OK-CGH, as could be seen in the year 2010. The real aircraft is a 737-55S (cn 28469), made in 1997. Unfortunately, CSA have never had any 300's so this is as close as one can get for the time being. Download, rate and enjoy!2 points -
2 points
LMAO Another coffee splatter on my monitor to be cleaned up Cheers Jan !1 point
Czech Airlines OK-CGH View File There are already two other liveries of Czech Airlines by other authors, but sadly neither is very accurate and with lots of details missing so I decided to make my own version. The livery is based on reg. OK-CGH, as could be seen in the year 2010. The real aircraft is a 737-55S (cn 28469), made in 1997. Unfortunately, CSA have never had any 300's so this is as close as one can get for the time being. Download, rate and enjoy! Submitter ONDR4.cz Submitted 07/28/2016 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)1 point
Hello everyone, just thought I would share a few photos of the E175 that I've recently purchased. Going through the learning process in how to use the FMC for the E175. Some of you may ask why did you choose the E175 when the new E170 has just came out, it's the new shiny. Regrettably the E170 in my opinion is slightly overpriced. I'm sure it's a fine aircraft would even after the $10.00 discount that I have, the aircraft was still cost $39.00 out the door. As some of you may know, with the track record of aircraft developers, a lot of them do not evolve their aircraft over time and add features and enhancements. Some do and some don't. I can give you tons of examples of this behavior but it is what it is. So for me $34.95 is about the extreme that I will pay. But that's just me and my opinion. The E175 appears to be shaping up a fine aircraft and looking forward to the latest update version 1.2 once version 1.50 of X-Plane has dropped. The developer said they have enhancements to the aircraft and are just waiting for fuel calculation engine component of X-Plane to be finished. I have noticed no flights I've done, that the aircraft does not burn fuel as much as it should. That is a good thing but it does need to mimic the real thing if possible. So enjoy the pictures more will be on the way over time. As a selfless plug, if if you have a desire to fly your flights withe an economy program for X-Plane, me and Mr. Mcbride are currently doing flights to generate income for my VA Allied Air Carrier on XPflier.net economy module network. We're very small time right now and only have one aircraft available to fly which is the PC 12. But if you like the aircraft enjoy flying the aircraft, you are always welcome to check it out. Make no mistake the network is rough around the edges but that's OK at least it gives you a purpose of your flights. Also to piggyback a thought, we signed up for sim buddy the free version to add another layer component to our flight simulation experience by auto log book entries and going up the ranks of your pilots career. Thanks again for reading and enjoy the pictures Dion Markgraf AKA: Dionsol Flight Simulation (X-Plane 10 pilot) & Aviation Enthusiast Voice Com's channel: https://discord.gg/aH7x774 Youtuber: https://youtube.com/user/dionm011 point
Thanks for your understanding and being so nice I wish all devs and forums were like this. I now consider it the best plane on any sim. I`ve been flying non stop all day!1 point
Don´t be - we have all been there...especially with equipment this complex. I am here for your questions and advice, and I would hate it if someone refrained from asking or remarking about something for fear of being wrong. And don´t worry, I still have to learn some things about the 737 myself . Cheers, Jan1 point
I stand corrected sir, yes it was the weather. Appologies. 100% spot on CWC. thank you guys for the lightning fast and friendly responses. Superb support. Never been happier to admit I'm wrong although I do feel like a total idiot now1 point
Hi Apeachs, thats really kind of you to say, thanks for the nice feedback! We are working on improving our plane as we type - I will post a preview movie of some of 1.1s features on our IXEG channel soon... Cheers, Jan1 point
I can partially sympathize with some of your remarks, but comparing IXEG to JARDesign is a joke. JAR is basically one step above a computer virus in my eyes, with the non-existent support and buggy products three years after release (hey, at least you got a response to this from an admin within two hours)1 point
I have done the first sketch of the ES-LSF livery. It needs some work on. it is sometimes puzzling to find the right spot or structure on the paint kit.1 point
I just recently purchased this because of the amazing reviews. I agree it is a great plane, the systems are tremendous and the sound blows me away. It probably feels better and more realistic than any other but the fmc is terrible. It looks like a Spectrum zx with the low resolution blocky text and half of it not working. I was amazed at how crap the fmc was. I knew of the no tcas and no des now etc before buying but the fmc is terrible. FF 767 now the fmc on that baby coupled with the support for tablets etc is the best yet. I almost always land manually but to test the AP I tried a few autolands, only 1 out of 4 was successful. It was all over the place with the slightest wind. Even with calm conditions it managed to do a half arsed un commanded toga 200 feet from runway. Im being very critical because of the price but the dynamics and systems are superb. The menu for loading etc definitely needs a make over. The fmc and menu (completely irritating) look somewhat freeware. For 6 years development and $75 I expected more. A great plane, one of the best, let down by some fundamental flaws and bizarre omissions. I compare this to having all PMDG, Flighfactor, JAR Design and Aerosoft on Fsx, P3D and X-Plane. Redesign the menu and redo fmc and it will be even better.0 points