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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/28/2015 in all areas

  1. I purchased SNP v2 and now v3 and I'm more than satisfied with both, and the prices I payed If did not want/need I would not have purchsed either 50% off in my book is more than generous so stop yer moaning if you missed out $40 for the hours of pleasure you will get in your sim Well What can I say!! Keep the Blue side up Mike from Scotland UK
    2 points
  2. May I suggest to turn to official support first, before opening a "ripped off, how can they..." topic in a general x-plane forum. That would be more reasonable. Or, if you want to take it to the community, it would be appropriate to ask for help like "Am I missing something?". My feeling is that way too many people start complaining loudly about developers right away - before doing their own homework. Hope you get the blurryness fixed anyway. Flo
    2 points
  3. During vegetation design, we add some extra feature on the trees! Leave your comments please.....
    2 points
  4. It is the rendering settings....kind of. In plane-maker, there is a checkbox for specific objects whereby it tells x-plane to "not reduce the texture resolution" when you scale back your rendering settings. This is intended for exactly this kind of situation, to allow you to reduce texture resolution for scenery or objects "not in front of the camera" while keeping other textures (i.e. cockpit) hi-rez and readable. McPhat might have missed this one when developing their plane...its an easy fix though. The trick is to find which object uses that texture, then go into plane-maker and check that checkbox for that object. Alternatively, you can check it for all of the objects and then the plane would probably look spectacular....but consume in inordinate amount of VRAM. -tkyler
    1 point
  5. I just can't get enough of this...
    1 point
  6. Hi all, So a quick report here, since I am unable to post at the org. As we have said, we are targeting a 2015 release still. We know full well we have to stop developing at some point and just put this thing out; however, we also feel there is a minimum functionality with regards to the operational model and FMS that we must attain. It will not be 100%, but neither can it be 70%. We are pushing for operational features that we have not seen in any product in x-plane...so it is taking a goodly amount of time to work through these issues for the first time. The good news? I can tell you that I have quit every other revenue producing endeavor I was working on (and there were some really good ones) to devote all my time to the 737 here until release. I code on the FMS each day, moving forward and am very hopeful we'll have a solid functioning airplane by the end of the year for you. The team have discussed that we would happily delay developing "fun eye candy" until after initial release if it comes to that......most important is that users get to operate the aircraft accurately, and we can always add in 'toys' later. We have all been disappointed with simulations that have more eye candy that substance. So while we still won't guarantee a release date, we are putting more hours into it now as we make a run to the finish line. -tkyler
    1 point
  7. The effect is one that has major issues with various aspects of the sim, and something Laminar HIGHLY discourages from using. I personally feel it's better to wait for what Laminar has in store.
    1 point
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