This is a question I see popping up over and over again with all the advanced airplanes. In fact, with the 757 and 777 we have that several times a week: "I get this terrible noise every time I switch off the autopilot, how do I make it stop?" I guess the underlying problem here is that people are so used to doing it wrong. I see that all the time I watch other people "flying" or rather "simming": When they come down the ILS, at some point their mouse cursor reaches over to the AP master switch, or in Boeings, the disengage bar. I've acutally seen this with people flying elaborate home cockpit setups with hardware MCPs (like the Goflight). When they want to go to manual flight, their hand leaves the yoke, reaches over to the disengage bar and they flip it down. This is SO NOT what you do when flying real planes: Your hand stays on the yoke, and you squeeze the AP DISC button with your thumb (or, on some yokes, with your index finger). Same with the autothrottle. No one lets go of the thrust levers and reaches up to the MCP to disarm the A/T. Instead you squeeze the A/T disc with the thumb on the throttle lever. On Airbusses, you sometimes see pilots squeezing the A/T triggers on both sides of the throttle with the thumb and pinky finger while holding the throttles with three fingers, matching them up with the little white dot on the EICAS. From the Cessna 182 up to a B777 the AP DISC on the yoke is what you press. One time to actually disconnect the autopilot, a second time to silence the warning. Same with the A/T. First press of the button on the throttle turns off the A/T, second press cancels the EICAS warning (on the 777). Get out of this habit of reaching for the disengage bar on the MCP for no reason. If you actuate the disengage bar on a Boeing, you get that blaring autopilot warning, and you cannot cancel it by resetting the bar! You have to press the AP DISC on the yoke to cancel the warning! So, assign yourself joystick/yoke buttons for AP DISC. Get that habit of taking your hands off the yoke to reach for the mouse or the MCP out of your system. A pilot simply does not let go of the yoke when on final approach! Sorry for the rant, but seeing people at FlightsimCon flying their thousands of dollar hardware setups like this, not having a yoke button for the AP, makes me want to cry.